[@Utrax] Hey! So thinking since we should have some familiarity between chars (and its just us two so far) can we say that both our chars know each other through remedial or 'applied' courses? Thinkng Maths in particular? Anywho I'mma say that when Dennis fell asleep in class everytime the others would toss things at him, draw on him, tape signs to his back etc. that Ricki would at least try to clean him up before he woke up. Like he's a loner and she respects that, but she knows what its like to be the butt end of jokes so I think its the least she would do. Also can we say this reached its apex during the infamous "Baby Dennis" scene? Thinking when they were around 15. One time before Xmas break the others staged a Nativity scene on his desk and posted pics online. But the one that got Ricki the most heat was when she tried to clean it up and they snapped her holding several 'set pieces' in her hands. Caption: [i]'IT WAS CHEWY!! Clever girl...'[/i] If not, that's cool too. Just spitballing here!