Lucina watched as the squid monster dissappeared and she felt herself sighing out of relief. Well that was one less worry, after all she had been through she couldn't help but feel it would be humiliating to end up some giant creature's snack. Talking about snacks, that guy seemed really hungry... when was the last time he ate? If this bread was the best he was getting lately he really needed some new survival techniques. It was then she was surprised by him patting her on the head, shaking her head as to get the affection off her she started to seriously think it was time to say good bye to her dog form. Watching him dispatch another melted creature made her have a moment to transform behind him without noticing. She didn't always like transforming in front of people since the appearance wasn't always that pleasent. "Well at least I'm not hanging out with a physcopath," Lucina said standing there naked as the day she was born and not seeming to have a problem with it at all.