[h1][color=a187be][b]Nareia Norre[/b][/color] [color=a187be][b]&[/b][/color] [b]Trask Vothoni[/b] // [color=a187be][b]Bridge of the[/b][/color] [i][b]Relentless Endeavor[/b][/i]...[/h1] [right]collab w/ [@Sep][/right] [center]~-~-~-~-~-~[/center] Trask turned around as the holographic images of the various ships captains disappeared. He smiled at the various pilots from Gold and Rogue Squadrons. He beckoned them forward. [b]“Welcome aboard the [i]Relentless Endeavour[/i]. It’s always a pleasure to host two of the most famous Squadrons from the Rebellion. Apologies for not greeting you in person, we’re in the middle of planning an invasion.”[/b] He offered them a smile as he beckoned them around the holotable, turning to Chief Naalwex as he did so. [b]“You can return to your post chief.”[/b] The Mon Cala went to walk away, before looking back at the pilots he had escorted here. [b]“They’re going to be assigned here until we have Coruscant, you can get your signature later.”[/b] The Mon Calas cheeks went flushed as he rushed out of the room back towards his post. [b]“You’ll have to excuse him, many of us here fought the Empire hearing stories of both your squadrons. I’m sure you’re used to the fans, it’s why I set you up in the hangar with just you guys and my CAGs squadron so you can have some peace. I’ll have someone show you to your quarters once we’re done here.”[/b] He typed in a couple of keys on the table before him, a hologram of the planet Utrost. An image of the fleet appearing in the system in position to attack the Imperial Fleet. [b]“The 62nd will push in above the main Imperial Centre of the planet, taking the brunt of fire. Rogue, Gold and Wolf Squadrons will come in from the other side of the planet escorting the ground forces. Cover them going in, once the LZ is secured Gold and Rogue squadron will push up behind the Imperial force, disabling the Imperial Command ship.”[/b] The hologram changed to that of an Imperial vessel. [b]“Scouting has reported that based on their formations, transport and communication logs that this Secutor Class Star Destroyer is the flagship. She’ll be sat further back, long range is her ally. I’ll give you a full dossier on what we know if its schematics for you to go over. Any questions?”[/b] Marvo stepped forward and nodded towards the holographic vessel. [color=fff200][b]“Disable can mean different things when you need something from Gold Squadron, Admiral.”[/b][/color] He smiled at the Bothan and overheard a few in his squadron snickering to themselves. [color=fff200][b]“The question is, what exactly do you prefer we do with this Star Destroyer once we’re behind it? With that strategy it would be easy for us to blow the engines, bomb their bridge to smithereens, or simply unload enough ion torpedoes to send that ship crashing onto the planet’s surface on its own. I just need you to be specific.”[/b][/color] [color=a187be][b]“One moment, please. Before you answer that…”[/b][/color] Nareia stepped forward and joined beside Marvo who gave her a curious sideways glance. Unlike her companion, she wasn’t smiling. [color=a187be][b]“We can get your forces down there and clear a path. And Commander Rikks’ confidence speaks for itself…”[/b][/color] She glanced towards the man in question and offered him a nod of approval, which he returned, before continuing. [color=a187be][b]“But I’d like to know what we’re to expect when helping secure that landing zone. Did your scouts manage to find out what’s waiting for our forces down there, and if there’s anything we might be able to do before moving on that Destroyer?”[/b][/color] Trask nodded along to both questions. “I’ll get back to you after, Commander Rikks.” He turned back to Nareia as he keyed a couple of commands back into the table. [b]“The LZ is an abandoned[/b] [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/e7554831-b277-440d-a375-a5266286fa17/d7uoam7-eecad5cf-e29b-45bd-b84c-83e88d1784f3.jpg/v1/fill/w_1024,h_684,q_75,strp/star_wars_clone_wars_season_5_base_a_by_songjong_d7uoam7-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD02ODQiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC9lNzU1NDgzMS1iMjc3LTQ0MGQtYTM3NS1hNTI2NjI4NmZhMTdcL2Q3dW9hbTctZWVjYWQ1Y2YtZTI5Yi00NWJkLWI4NGMtODNlODhkMTc4NGYzLmpwZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD0xMDI0In1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.0UAmVAdbVii2WGzjqF7GKFwmYNeNDYu_-QJQSp_XXQg][b]Republic Facility[/b][/url][b]. Reports indicate it has a very small Imperial Presence after a local rebel cell tried to set up camp inside it. I need you-”[/b] He nodded at Nareia [b]“-to push in slightly ahead of the ships and strafe the facility. It may be shielded, and if so I need Gold Squadron to knock down the shields.”[/b] Trask keyed in a second series of commands, showing the line between the old Republic Facility and the main city. Several spots on the map were highlighted. [b]“From what we know along this approach there are various[/b] [url=https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/018/627/781/large/angelos-karderinis-tower-test-laser.jpg?1560109799][b]Turbolaser Tower[/b][/url] [b]encampments, hit them on the way to the city clearing the path for ground forces who can then advance on the city. After that path is clear, Wolf Squadron will act as air support while you focus on that destroyer. Once the destroyers dealt with it should be the simple job of cleanup, other than the flagship we’re only facing two destroyers and their escorts.”[/b] Turning his back towards Marvo. [b]“If you can take it out reliably, it’d be a great addition to our growing Navy allowing me to send in the marines. You’re an experienced Squadron Commander, if you use Ion Torpedoes but it looks like that ship is going to kick us in the teeth again I want you to remove from orbit, understood?”[/b] [color=fff200][b]“Understood, sir.”[/b][/color] Marvo acknowledged his freedom of choice with a curt nod. [color=fff200][b]“You can expect us to try and put an end to the fleet battle before it’s truly begun. We’ll look to force a surrender. If they leave us no choice, it goes down.”[/b][/color] [color=a187be][b]“And destroying turbolaser towers are one of Rogue Squadron’s many specialties,”[/b][/color] Nareia continued from where Marvo left off. That was putting it lightly, but she didn’t come here to compare feats of skill. Vothani’s achievements were impressive, too, and she had confidence in his strategy as the rest did. [color=a187be][b]“I’m with Commander Rikks; we should look for a surrender at the earliest opportunity. We’re not afraid to do what we have to, but Utrost’s defenses are undoubtedly going to be pale compared to Coruscant. Are you willing to offer them a chance as we push towards the LZ?”[/b][/color] There was mixed reception behind her. The murmurs were relatively low, but if one listened closely, they would hear the word surrender being uttered with skepticism. Some were hopeful, and others were not. Not every member joined to talk peace with these Imperials, not until they were sufficiently beaten down to a pulp first. Some of the men and women had frustration to vent and payback to deliver, if not for them then for those they lost in this fight. Kyrin and Rayce looked to each other, communicating briefly and quietly. Even among Rogue Squadron the opinion on what to do with the Imperials was mixed. [color=fff200][b]“Enough.”[/b][/color] Marvo grumbled over his shoulder. His men and women fell silent, with the other Rogues joining them. Every eye fell on Trask, awaiting his choice. Trask nodded along to everything the two squadron commanders said. As the murmur of surrender went up Commander Rikks soon silenced it, before Trask had to do it himself. [b]“Should the Imperial Forces surrender we will treat them fairly-”[/b] There was a slight murmur from some of the newcomers [b]“-in doing so we hold to our ideals and show that we will not stoop to their level. The ground troops have their orders from the Colonel, if surrender occurs, disarm and secure. The same goes for our operations in space, if a surrender is called cease fire. If it looks like they’re going to try something, target every weapon system you can find.”[/b] He cleared his throat nodding as his XO. [b]“Back to the task at hand-”[/b] The holomap changed slightly as it panned over the surface. [b]“-Scouts have reported sightings of several walkers, AT-DPs, STs and ATs are believed to be active though their exact placement is unknown. It seems the local commander isn’t giving us a chance to pinpoint their position. So I want you all to be careful out there.”[/b] The door to the rear of the room opened as Ron Duul entered the room. [b]“We jump to lightspeed at 1100HRS tomorrow, ship time. You’ll have full time to review schematics and plans prior to the assault, we expect to be in system by 1130HRS.”[/b] He nodded towards the Duros. [b]“This is Commander Ron Duul, commander of my airwing and Wolf-Leader. He’ll show you to your bunks. Should any of you need me before the OP. I’ll be here.”[/b] [color=a187be][b]“Understood.”[/b][/color] Nareia took a couple steps back before turning and maneuvering her way through the parting crowd to greet Wolf Leader personally, with Marvo right beside her. Though the murmurs continued, she noticed the uptick in tension fizzled out. Trask’s conditions were reasonable, enough so that neither Marvo nor herself were likely to hear of any complaints once they left the bridge. [color=a187be][b]“Looking forward to working with you, Commander”[/b][/color] she said to the Duros. [color=fff200][b]“Likewise,”[/b][/color] Marvo said. [color=fff200][b]“I don’t believe I’ve ever had the pleasure, Commander Duul. Maybe you’d like to tell us a few stories from your side of this campaign? Once we get settled, of course.”[/b][/color] Commander Duul was more than happy to oblige and talked them up before the elevator doors had closed.