Waking up was never an easy thing to do for Nathan but in that moment it felt particularly difficult. While he tried to open his eyes, his other senses gave away that something was different today. He heard a breeze, which was unusual for the time of the year and the part of the city. There was also a soft sound slowly growing louder, almost as if some cat or bird had somehow gotten inside. When he finally managed to open his eyes completely, he noticed two small creatures staring right at him. He was startled for sure and took a defensive stance while glaring back at them. "What the..?" he whispered while trying not to make any sudden movements. What could they possibly be? Nathan had a feeling he had seen them in his dreams when he was younger. Maybe he was still dreaming? Whatever they were, they weren't the only strange thing going on. It was only now that Nathan realized he had woken up in the oddest location. "Where.. am I?.." he asked himself out loud. The creatures hopped once and turned around as if they tried to tell him something. Was he supposed to follow them? What other choice did he have? The leafy one seemed to take the most initiative in making Nathan follow them. While following them, he noticed they led him to a small wooden table with some items. There was a book and a watch-like device. Nathan looked at the device first but wasn't sure what to make out of it. Realizing the book might be some sort of manual, he started to read. There was indeed some information about the device, apparently called 'Digivice'. As he continued to turn the pages, he noticed there was a list of creatures very much like the ones that had lured him there. The pictures in the list proved him right. "So you are Leafmon?" The leafy thing seemed cheerful that Nathan discovered its identity. Unsure what do to next and if any of this was even real, Nathan turned the pages of the book back to the one about the Digivise. "Use the Digivise to Digivolve your partners to their next stage." Nathan frowned as it didn't make any sense to him. "Digivolve? What's that? And it doesn't even say how to do it."