Alnaera grit her teeth as she continued powering the spell, restraining the dragonfly. Sweat beaded on her brow and the nape of her neck as she watched the monster struggling. Thankfully, one of the other strangers took her cue, and sprinted at the insect, yelling that she got it. Alnaera didn’t quite know why the green-haired female had chosen to attack from close up with a bow, but the resulting thwack was impressive enough that she nodded in satisfaction. After one of the creature’s eyes got destroyed, however, the flying menace broke free and was more enraged then ever. Alnaera dropped into a crouch, bracing against her staff as she prepared to defend. It was mainly by chance that she still had the other female within sight. The archer was struggling with the gunk sticking to her. As such, she had no way of seeing or avoiding the attack their opponent was preparing for. Muttering a low curse, the horned mage dashed in front of her, sweeping her staff wide once she skittered to a stop. Light and dark comingled, and a transparent yellowish rectangle appeared floating before the females while a shadowy smog rolled up to their waists, protectively undulating against them. The defense had been put up just in time, however the hastiness of its construction proved to be its undoing. The wind slices struck at the thin shield, cracking then breaking it apart. The dark grey tendrils rose to eat up the rest of the attack, but slowly, and as a result only managed to shave it down a bit. As such, the leftover force of the attack bit into Alnaera, resulting in two long, though relatively shallow cuts. The mage hissed at the damage to her left hip and right shoulder. Still, it was lesser than it would have been without the barrier. She was thankful that the insect hadn’t chosen to physically ram them, which is what she assumed it was about to do to the archer. She was about to dish out as good as she got, the wolf-man started a dance of blade and magic, using the opportunity to greatly damage the dragonfly. Alnaera kept track of his progress while she healed herself, an ordeal which left her pleasantly warm and even slightly energized. Then, using her remaining reserves, she began channeling energy up into the sky, slowly constructing a lightning cloud. The very moment the scythe-bearing male finished with his part, she directed the gathered forces towards a purpose. Lances of sparking blue crashed down into the dragonfly, spearing and shocking it – and only it. The ground directly underneath it and perhaps half a meter around it was charred, but the rest of the surroundings (and more importantly, her provisionary allies) were left unaffected. Alnaera was left panting with the effort that had taken. Surely, that was it for the creature? If it recovered, or if more came…it didn’t bear thinking about.