[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BQikSCR.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmYwMDAwMC5VMk5oY214bGRDQlRZMkZ5WVdJLC4y/operational-amplifier.regular.png[/img][/center] Steve strode down the street towards the waterfront in his civilian clothes, sporting a nice pair of yellow sunglasses. Right now the city seemed to be in a lull, most of the big villains seemed to be keeping to themselves leaving Jump City with an overwhelming sense of calm. This calm seemed like the perfect opportunity for a b-list villain to move up in the bad guy hierarchy and what an opportunity waited for Steve just off the coast hidden away in an innocuous looking yacht. Walking by a row of homeless people, Steve dropped eight dollars worth of change into one of their cups in order to clean his conscious of what he was about to do. On the Yacht was supposedly the Dikto family jewel, a large gemstone cut from a meteorite in the late fifties. The jewel was massive and worth a lot to the right people. Steve, coming to the pier, leaned up against a light post and stared out at the yacht, adjusting his glasses but also subtly activating the machinery housed inside. Suddenly his vision sprung to life with readouts of the boat as it zoomed in and gave him a better view of the boat. He could now see the numerous armed guards patrolling the boat, giving him a better idea of what to expect when he would make his grand entrance. He stood there for a good fifteen minutes before his figured he had enough information on the boat to begin his assault. Walking back the way he came, Steve ducked into an alley way and pulled out his Scarlet Airgun. He quickly loaded the grappling hook and fired it up and seemingly the sky. Just as Steve began to think he ducked into the wrong alley, he heard the satisfying metal [i]thunk[/i] as his hook magnetized to the Scarlet Skimmer's hull. Steve zipped up and entered his home, suiting up and piloting the Skimmer above the Yacht. Before disembarking Steve looked at himself in the mirror and said to himself [color=crimson]"You can do this. You are the best. You will not screw this up."[/color] and with that he slammed his fist down on a button and made a dash for the now opening bay door of his skimmer. The skimmer, still invisible to those below, spewed a heavy smoke down towards the Yacht, obscuring the ship's deck and putting the personal onboard on high alert. Taking his opportunity, Steve hooked his line and quickly repelled down to the ship's deck, Airgun in hand. Once his feet hit the deck his loudly proclaimed [color=crimson]"If you don't want to be swimming back to the coast I think it'd be better for y'all to put your weapons down."[/color]