[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/wfYSh8s.jpg[/img][/center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/I0DIzZb.png[/img] For the longest time, Lord Ignis stared down the mysterious Pandora beat for beat. Neither moved and, barring some smirk from Pandora, neither had a readable expression either. Only when one of their allies entered the would-be wolf chief’s room did Lord Ignis choose to ignore the keeper of the Abyss. Naturally, she was to be a waif of a creature indeed in both appearance and tolerance. Lord Ignis made no expression in seeing Chryseis had returned to his more human looking form rather than pad up the stairway as a beastly lion. [color=ed1c24]“There’s nothing to see here. We were just concluding our business,”[/color] Lord Ignis answered the blonde man. Already he was moving out of the small study, expecting those loyal to follow him. After all, he could already sense the Oni’s presence was no more. Whether Jukati was killed or wandered off further into the Abyss’ depths was no immediate concern when there was little to be done about the fact. It was a sacrifice to be paid with their newfound legions. [color=ed1c24]“I’ve discussed negotiations with the wolf’s leader. In exchange for protection and a true home, they will serve us in our cause. But that’s probably why you’re looking downcast,”[/color] Lord Ignis told Chryseis. The skull-faced man placed a hand on his shoulder even as he walked. [color=ed1c24]“Worry not. You will have your great war very soon. Today is but a taste of the ocean of carnage you may commit.”[/color] With knowing words left to be said, Lord Ignis continued on his way until he exited the wolf’s fortress. Many of the mutts had little loyalty left to the old regime of humans; thus, it was easy for them to follow along if their chief said so. All that remained now was reuniting with the others and so they would. As far as Lord Ignis was concerned, the wolf fortress was their territory now. Ironically, it wasn’t too far off from the Watcher’s temple as well. While the Abyss was everlasting, some points of dimension were given. It wasn’t long before Lord Ignis led the wolves and their own small number to the temple where Willowa’s group was already at work thriving and rebuilding anew. In a single day, two locations had been added to their rule, if not by influence, by sheer numbers alone from the wolves now following around their troupe. [img]https://i.imgur.com/I0DIzZb.png[/img]