[center][color=paleturquoise][h1]Sainthood of the Maelstrom[/h1][/color][/center] [hr] The bright hues of the Luminant cast the scene in a fickle light. Row upon row of winged men and women, covering the ground a considerable distance in each direction. Their mottled wings shone with new combinations of color in the Luminant’s strange flora. At the head of the procession hovered a horned and winged woman, her own wings splayed with a multitude of colors that did not seem to blend despite the light’s best efforts to cast her in warm and bright hues. Aveira swept over the tall men and women stood at attention with a single beat of her wings, a critical gaze falling over them in seemingly random patterns. When she spoke, it was with a booming, unpleasant echo that belied her round face and soft features. [color=paleturquoise]”Blessed children of the Goddess,”[/color] she began, stirring a few among the organized crowd to gaze into the sky in bemusement, awe, or simple respect. [color=paleturquoise]”You have seen and faced the enemy first-hand. Those who cling to the false pretender and her perversion of your duty. Each of you have heard the Goddess, seen her vision for this world. There are those among you who balk at the task. No food. No shelter. The Oraeliari beg for help from above. Are you as them?”[/color] Aveira slowly touched down at the front of the column, extending a hand to caress the face of a pale Neiyari woman with speckled wings. Her eyes filled with fright and awe alike as the avatar deigned to touch her. [color=paleturquoise]”Yazira, is it?”[/color] Aveira spoke in a more regular tone. [color=paleturquoise]”Will you get on your knees and beg for your War Mother to build you a paradise? Or will you show her that you are worthy of one?”[/color] the avatar continued, staring into her eyes with a malicious intensity. The pale Neiyari briefly buckled under the attention, but steeled herself as she tried to keep her stern and disciplined face. “I will show I am worthy!” she cried out, emboldened by a hatred and a passion to fight. “I will build a paradise!” Aveira slowly released her face, exhaling a light sigh. Her rueful stare turned soft, before a single beat of her wings brought her into the air once more. [color=paleturquoise]”Those around you are chosen by me, by the Goddess. She has seen your fervor, and your devotion. True children of the War Mother do not beg, they do not ask.”[/color] her voice boomed out over the crowd. [color=paleturquoise]”A true Neiyari takes. By force, by cunning, and by blood. You are the greatest among your kind. Among your brethren, you carry within you the vision that your mother desires, and the will to carry it out. Among your kindred, you are saints. Leaders. Carry the banners of war. Put Galbar under your wings. Show your kin the path to paradise. This is my decree, and that of Neiyara! Praise the Goddess!”[/color] A chorus of cries rang out in the Luminant, discordant and battle-ready. Still they remained in place, drilled to discipline before learning basic survival tactics. Aveira broke out into a haughty smile, unable to contain her glee. They were her toy soldiers, and she enjoyed every moment of it so far. [color=paleturquoise]”The path is clear, you Saints of the Maelstrom! On this day, you are the speakers of war, the strategists, and the scholars. If the war falters, if victory is stolen from your hands, know that it is by your own doing. Learn, thrive, and conquer, and nothing shall stand in your way. Heed my words, and accept your calling!”[/color] she cried out with a rising fury, and stared down at the assembled Neiyari. They stretched out their arms towards the sky exultantly, and Aveira knew it was time to oblige. She raised her hand to the crowd, and drew on the divine essence from beyond the veil. Felt the Maelstrom of whispers, emotions and desires roil and touch at her being as it did her creator. She directed her power at the gathered, and the effect was immediate. Again the assembled Neiyari met with direct contact of Neiya’s voice, and her love, and they tried to accept her gifts with stride. Many fell to the ground in agony, others cried and sobbed endlessly, and a few even bled from the eyes. The result was the same. Their connection to their mother deepened, Aveira watched how their wings soaked a stained pure black, and their skin twisted a pale white. When the storm abated, those who survived the onslaught arose with new purpose in their eyes. Likewise, as the maelstrom faded from her senses, a strange feedback rippled through her body. For a moment, it felt as though a ghostly shape caressed her body, breathed on her neck. A rush of exhilaration and bliss shot through her system, dusting her features with a rosy blush - a wordless reward from Neiya. Aveira’s features curled into a delighted grin. What was war without some interference from above? [hr] [hider=Summary] Aveira has assembled the best and brightest of the Neiyari following the initial chaos. She gives them a big speech about how cool and edgy it is being an evil war angel. Aveira continues by giving the assembled a new purpose: they will lead the war effort by example and ingenuity. After some cajoling, she forcibly reunites them with Neiya’s divine essence, corrupting them further than the initial corruption of the Aiviri. Some of them do not make it, but Aveira is cool with that. [/hider] [hider=MP/DP] Neiya: 5/5. Consecrated - Sainthood of the Maelstrom - Holy Order Chosen by Aveira to be the leaders of the Neiyari race, the Sainthood carries a divine mission to further the war effort on Galbar. There is always a fixed number of Saints - new Saints are inducted with a complex ritual to Neiya should their numbers deplete. Rule Through Fear II: (The fear-causing ability of Neiyari Saints unnerve even their brethren, and is strong enough to stir feelings of terror in the most courageous of mortals. ) -2DP (Terror 4/5) War of Terror I - (Saints are more likely to innovate ways to conduct psychological warfare, and have an easier time considering how new technologies could be used to harm morale.) - 1DP (Terror 5/5) Grand Theft Technology II - (Saints have a strong affinity for applying the technology of other cultures and races, allowing them to intuit designs that are normally beyond them after seeing them in use. ) - free with envy Unlocked the Terror Portfolio - 3 MP Remaining MP/DP: 2/2. [/hider] [hider=Prestige] Saints of the Maelstrom: +3 Total: 3. [/hider]