[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=87d0f2]Callie Johnson[/color][/h1] [img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/DeadlyTintedIsabellinewheatear-size_restricted.gif[/img] [i]Location: The Mutant Underground HQ - Above Ground -> Old Mutant Underground HQ. Skills: Empathy[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Callie crossed her arms over her chest, the electricity from her hands dying down as she watched Max approaching with a little gift box, and scoffed slightly. She really did not trust him, though they really did need any kind of supplies even if it was from Max in the first place, she looked at the Echo Clone that approached and stood in between them. [color=87d0f2]"First, not Sparky, either Spark Plug or Callie would be completely fine with me. And completely fine, just stating i'll defend everyone here if the Harry Potter Wannabe does anything hostile."[/color] She said giving a slight smile and shaking her head slightly, she'd respond either way which Callie didn't really care just not the name Sparky. Waverly then stepped forward, getting the sense that she was really angered at Max which was completely understandable, hearing the woman yelling at Max before destroying the supplies. Callie quickly went over towards her, gently resting a hand on Waverly's shoulder and closed her eyes slightly letting a calming feeling flow through the girl. She was understandably mad, but she didn't want her to do something completely reckless in the first place. [color=87d0f2]"Feedback, take a breather try and listen to any frequencies around, just incase someone goes and investigates the odd fog appearing out of nowhere alright?"[/color] Callie suggested, while looking at Sapphire and Glimpse as the two spoke out about Max as well. Sapphire going on about the alternate reality that Wanda Maximoff had made again, which was something she would like to learn more about and Max answering her. She then scoffed a bit, hearing Max wanting to be called by someone else and rolled her eyes she couldn't really believe his explanation for the sudden name change. [color=87d0f2]"Yeah, Warlock is a powerful name, sounds more like you want to instill fear in everyone around you, than confidence and your reasoning sounds more like something Magneto would say. You'd have to earn my respect before I even call you by that."[/color] Callie stated, as she leaned herself up against the side of the van thinking of their last time that they had interacted and looked directly towards their former HQ. [color=87d0f2]"Lets rewind time a little bit shall we? We took you and Leighton in, when you didn't really have anywhere else to go, you go out on ONE mission with Veil, Glimpse, and Sapphire. Shit hits the fan there, during that time I was in charge of the Underground for the time you guys were out in the mission. Vulcan who works for Sinister, and Magik who was drugged up on Hound juice come in and attack us mind you, your girlfriend Leighton is there. AND during that time, the Murlocks get attacked at the same time we do. We all nearly died that night, then the following day after we found that Sinister has a lab under the Cherry Bomb bar. Owned by Shaw, your second mission by the way with us. We all go and do our thing in there, and destroy the lab, you and Leighton then decide to instantly jump into bed with the people who want to kill, torture AND drug mutants. So you pretty much slapped and spat in our faces when you guys left. So you can probably understand WHY we do not trust you at the moment?"[/color] Callie said looking over towards Veil, Sapphire, Glimpse and Feedback for a moment. [color=87d0f2]"Am I missing anything else?"[/color] Callie then glared at Max's statement about Veil's leadership, sure they were utterly underfunded for just about everything, Callie saw her as a good leader in her eyes. [color=87d0f2]"Veil has been a leader probably longer and has made a lot of hard choices over the years, you probably have only just started high school then. She's better choices than you have made obviously.[/color]