[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200427/12e716eb3fcde6923781cf99dc1a0a73.png[/img] [color=DarkOrchid]"Thank you,"[/color] Grace said with a nod as Brie, after some hesitation, reluctantly agreed to let Grace into the operation. Without waiting for the rest of the crew to give their input, she slid her stool into the group, essentially fusing herself into the circle. [color=DarkOrchid]"You won't regret this. I may not be from Castleburg, or America, or know much about this city outside of how good Chick-Fil-A is, but I know I can be of use. Or at least, my [i]powers[/i] can be of use."[/color] She finished off the cold ginger ale, placing the empty glass on the table. Grace's face fell as Brie asked for her phone, and she clutched it to her chest for a few moments, like she was protecting her baby, before eventually handing it over. [color=DarkOrchid]"OK, OK. Don't break anything. Or [i]look[/i] at anything. There's some...private stuff on it."[/color] She watched as Brie worked her magic and drained her phone of any battery- she had forgotten of Brie's ability to manipulate electricity. Grace sighed. [color=DarkOrchid]"I guess that follows my guidelines, huh?"[/color] she pointed out as she laid a hand down on the table. [color=DarkOrchid]"Well, some of them do, but a majority of the organization doesn't have any powers. They're still dangerous, though. Sketchy people. And they're very good with katanas. And guns, too, but guns don't tend to work on me too well,"[/color] Grace said, smiling at the last part of her statement. [color=DarkOrchid]"Anyway, we might as well get to work. I can move you guys around through the portals without [i]too[/i] much difficulty, but the problem is visualization. I need to see the location firsthand and be familiar with it or get a really detailed description of the area. Anything less than that and there's a chance you'll be teleported into an object, maybe stuck with half your torso infused into dirt, or your body coalesced with an oak tree or something like that,"[/color] Grace said with a perfectly monotone, flat face, like these were perfectly normal activities that occurred on a regular basis. [color=DarkOrchid]"So my powers won't be of too much use until we get the land of the lay. I mean, the lay of the land. Sorry. English is a [i]hard[/i] language, your idioms are dumb,"[/color] Grace complained as she examined the group. [color=DarkOrchid]"Also, if I could borrow 10 bucks from one of you guys? I didn't convert my money at the bank yet. Sorry. I'll pay you back, I promise."[/color] [@canaryrose][@Danvers][@Amethyst][@KaijuBaragon][/center] [hr][hr]