[center][h1]Helsend Forest[/h1] [img] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/559528686681063437/709598158157643826/image0.jpg [/img][/center] A long time ago, a large handful of necromancers came together to form a cult in the woods, far away from the reaches of civilization. Sometimes they’d leave their seclusion to kidnap people for sacrifices to some horrific god, and sometimes they’d keep their prizes to train and bolster their numbers. Nobody ever caught them because they lived too deep in the forest for anyone to come back out. You either got lost, killed, or both. Then one day the fire happened. In the middle of their daily practices, a fire supposedly caught onto something and spread throughout the place. It’s likely this came from an uprising made by the captive children, or maybe the necromancers got clumsy. No one knows. The strange thing is that the forest was never harmed. To this day there’s no trace of a camp or a house, no trace of anything left behind by the necromancers. It’s possible there were survivors, someone who could remember the way out of that damned place, but it’s highly unlikely you can find them anymore. They’ve all likely died or simply forgot about the place. And why wouldn’t they? That forest has always been strange, weird noises come from it at night, the kind you wouldn’t hear out of another forest. Dogs have wandered in after chasing butterflies and no one has seen them since, all you can hear is the echoed barks. Some people have even said that they can seen things moving through the trees, late at night, when they look out their windows. None of them know about the band if necromancers that once lived there, none of them would have noticed the fires, or the smoke. It was all too far to be seen. That was 20 years ago, and the closest piece of civilization to any of this is the people living in a small riverside village called Helsend, full of farmers and craftsmen of various kinds. One may even find a wizard if they looked far enough. Helsend isn’t quiet, no one comes here looking for a fight, people come here to rest and be on their way in the morning, or to just settle down and let the world pass them by. Helsend isn’t just a mile away from the edge of the forest, which everyone keeps rumors alive about. Rumors that it’s cursed. The older folk keep their children from going too close, saying it’s dangerous, or that wolves could come out. This is where you come in. You’re visiting Helsend for whatever reason, maybe you’re a paladin tracking down some evil people, maybe you heard the rumors, or maybe you’re just the usual adventurer coming for glory. Wizards, warriors, thieves, it doesn’t matter who you are or why you’re here. Just be careful going into those damned woods. You might not come back out. [h2]Welcome[/h2] This is the rp for my int check I did around a month ago. Some of the players have already made their characters, but if some new people want to roll in, that’s okay too. Here are the ground rules 1 - If you make a big decision in this, consider the other players, you’re not gonna rush headfirst into the forest the moment you understand that it isn’t normal. Why? Because you’re not the only one here. 2 - Respect your other players. Simple enough. 3 - Unless someone doesn’t follow Rule 2, don’t kill each other. 4 - Don’t be op and use ooc knowledge to your ic advantage. 5 - If there’s a problem you either settle it in a dm or don’t mention It at all. Keep drama out of here. If there are any question, ask them. Welcome to the quietest village in the region.