[hider=Nobuyuki Wakahisa | Currently presumed to be dead] [Center][hr][color=navy][h2]Wakahisa Nobuyuki[/h2] [img] https://em.wattpad.com/c9155c428de69bea15b3883fbbb671de1a37af9e/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f617a667644635f4c7674337830413d3d2d3633363832363333302e313535386630313538383462343337653335343237343339393936352e6a7067?s=fit&w=720&h=720 [/img] [H3]24 | | Missing, declared dead 3 years ago[/h3][/color][/center][hr] [List][*]The eldest son of Osamu, Nobuyuki was a spoiled boy who was close to his younger brother. It had always bothered him that he couldn't take the title of clan heir and there was some resentment towards his adopted sister Koharu. Eventually, he seemed to get over that resentment and he grew close to his little sister. [*]He used to give Koharu rides on his shoulders when she was a lottle kid. [*]Went missing four years ago after the death of his little brother. Nobuyuki had been assigned a mission but it was unknown if he completed it before going missing.[/list][Indent][hider=Ooc Notes][list] [*]Has been declared dead after a year of looking for him.[/list][/hider][/indent] [/hider] [hider=Nori Wakahisa | DECEASED] [Center][hr][color=lightblue][h2]Wakahisa Nori[/h2] [img] https://i.pinimg.com/originals/64/f0/ca/64f0ca579724ba805978da50ad7c7b89.jpg [/img] [H3]18 | | Deceased[/h3][/color][/center][hr] [List][*]Died at 18 years old while on a mission. He was a jonin rank shinobi. His death hit the Wakahisa clan hard since he was the first of their clan to die when they first moved to Konoha. [*]The second son of Osamu, his mother died shortly after his birth and he was raised solely by his father. [*]His relationship with his adopted sister was better than hers with Nobuyuki until he let go of his anger. Nori was a good big brother who doted on Koharu whenever possible. [*]Had heterochromia and was described as a short boy with thin limbs. [*]The last picture of Nori is in Koharu's bedroom. The picture is of Nori, and his brother sister. Koharu keeps the picture on her nightstand and she tells it good night each night before bed.[/list] [/hider]