Name: Jason Oralie VII Race: Human Age: 19 Appearance: [hider=Casual][img][/img] A handsome and lean young man covered in gold accessories as well as bracers. Jason typically wears a silken white tunic with woven blue and green straps with chain mail underneath, white cotton trousers, and brown leather boots. His skin is exceptionally unmarred and pale having lived a life of luxury before escaping out on his own and becoming a wanted fugitive in his country. He always seems to have a cocky smirk on his face.[/hider] Bio: Jason was once the Crown Prince of Okeanos, A small but strong Island Kingdom south of Itura. For most of his life, Jason was raised to lead his people, most of his studies involving learning languages, cartography, strategies, and logistics. Things that he surprisingly excelled at even though he was mediocre in the use of martial weapons and magic. This combined with Jason's natural charisma made the boy into a natural-born leader, having formed a crew of his own with the many nobles and peasants he had befriended in his life. Life was great for the young prince as he had his whole future ahead of him. Sadly his father, King Jason Oralie VI became injured after going out hunting one day with his uncle, a boar having pierced his armor with its tusk. This left the king bedridden and the kingdom under his uncle's rule, due to his mother's death during childbirth and Jason being only 15 at the time. His uncle quickly began consolidating his power over the kingdom, as the man began replacing his father's closest allies in order to steal the throne from him. Being a young teenager with few allies left, Jason quickly began to plan for his escape after his father had 'succumbed' to his injuries. Quickly getting in touch with the exiled nobles and his crew, the young prince planned a heist to steal the Golden Hide MK II, his family's most prized vessel from under his uncle's nose. Jason used the wealth from his own allowance to buy supplies for the trip. Whilst using the leftover over funds to gift his uncle with a large casket of wine drugged with a sleeping agent, due to the man's penchant for extravagant feasts. On the night of the feast, Jason with his allies all dressed as various prostitutes attended the party and bided their time as his uncle and his most trusted followers began to drink the drugged wine. Slowly but surely the usurper and his subordinates fell asleep, Jason and his allies quickly robbing everyone of their values before heading toward the vault where all his family's riches lay. Taking the sword and ring from his uncles as well as all the gold left in the vault after his uncles lavish spending. Jason and his followers rode the Golden Hide MK II out of Okeanos, branded as traitors and pirates by his uncle, Jason committed to a life of adventuring joined by the youths he had led in his homeland as guild members of Angeli Pallidus. Gear: [Hider=Luminous, Sword of the Morning] [img][/img] A magical sword that is neither unbreakable or destructive, it is merely an enchanted that can reflect light continuously toward whatever the wielder is pointing at with its tip.[/Hider] [Hider=Ornate Ring of the Badger] [img]$pdp_hero_large$[/img] A magical ring with a Badger's head affixed to it. It provides the wearer resistance to poisons. Incredibly useful for the Oralie royal lineage.[/Hider] [Hider=The Golden Hide MK II] [img][/img] A magical flying ship once owned by Jason Oralie I, which he used to conquer the current Island Kingdom of Okeanos. It has been refurnished by his descendants with the latest technology, although used more as a national icon. It is still fitted for combat in the skies, Being armed with large cannons able to be powered using magical energy as well as a fully stocked armory of non-magical weapons for the crew.[/Hider] Magic: Plunder: A magical spell that allows one to steal what item the target consider's most valuable as long as it can fit in one's palm. If the first item is too big the spell will steal an item of lower value than the original target. Its range is five feet and increases by another five feet the more energy is used. Transparency: A illusion spell that makes the user/target transparent to the naked eye, it allows the user to blend into the background and become harder to discern for those unskilled in magic. It lasts for 10 minutes. Muffle: A spell that muffles the sound an object or person makes, it allows the user to silent one's footsteps or even lower the volume of breaking down a door's lock. Likes: Gold, Money, Ships, Women, Winning without moving one finger, Fame. Dislikes: Going to the frontlines, Not being in charge, Things that are too good to be true. Extras: Although Jason has a massive ego, he is still a charismatic and strategic individual capable of leading. He places a high value on the Golden Hide and his crew, spending most of his money in maintaining it and keeping his crew well-fed and healthy. He also doesn't take kindly to people insulting them and can become very violent to the point of actually fighting himself despite how mediocre he is.