[center][h1][b][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLmRhMGIxMy5UV2x1TFdwMWJtY2dRMmh2YVEsLC4w/pricillia.regular.png[/img][/b][/h1] [h1][b][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmYzZGQ0OS5SV3hwYW1Gb0lFUmhkbWxsY3kxTmRXNXlidywsLjA,/toms-handwriting.handwriting.png[/img][/b][/h1][/center] Eli nodded energetically. "I hope so too! I can hardly wait to get there, I've read so much about it! See, my family isn't magic, but I think my mum knew. My aunt's a witch, but I'm adopted," he added, "so it was a surprise to me!" Pausing for a breath, he barrelled on, he was clearly a talker. "My aunt's told me loads about the houses, she was a Gryffindor you know, so I hope I either get Gryffindor or Hufflepuff, her husband's a Hufflepuff, and he's real nice. Ravenclaw wouldn't be too bad, but I just don't think it's me, you know what I mean? I just don't want to be in Slytherin." Eli grinned and looked over at Min. "How about you?" Min hesitated slightly before speaking. "Well, no one in my family is magic, so I'm not really sure what to expect. I've done some reading though, and I think Hufflepuff would be best for me." She paused. "What about you, Bryn? Which house are you hoping for?" [center][h1][b][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLjEyODAwNS5UV0ZrWld4cGJtVWdRblZ5YTJVLC4w/qtie-script.regular.png[/img][/b][/h1][/center] [center][h1][b][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLjFkNjkwYy5TbUZqYjJJZ1dXRjRiR1Y1LjE,/bilbo.regular.png[/img][/b][/h1][/center] Jacob laughed. "You know what, you're right Vivienne." He smirked. "Anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves." He winked at Vivienne. "Father says there's an outrageous amount of Muggleborns being let in this year...Hogwarts is really going downhill." Maddie sat down beside Vivienne, still slightly annoyed that Jacob was paying more attention to her. She flipped her hair before nodding. "Yeah, dad said Mr. Montague stopped by the store a few weeks ago to pick up a few things and brought the twins with him. Both boys. Dad said one is apparently a bull in a china shop, but the other one seemed really polite. So we'll see." She shrugged. "I agree Vi, I assume Slytherin regardless, even if one of them is...odd." Her lips curled into a scowl at Jacob's comment. "Really? Ugh. The last thing we need is having Hogwarts overrun by what are basically Muggles...it's so gross." [center][h1][b][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLmRhMGIxMy5RWEpqYUdsbElFMXZiblJoWjNWbC4w/hitch-hike.regular.png[/img][/b][/h1][/center] Archie sighed with relief. "Yeah, we better avoid them as long as we can before we have to live with them. Though," he smiled wickedly. "Do you think they'd let me change houses if I set the Slytherin common room on fire?" He groaned slightly when he looked in the compartment Gus suggested. "Fun? I think we have different definitions of fun...there is no way someone who's studying [i[before[/i] school even starts is fun. You're just saying that so you can read." Archie looked around. It was getting close to 11. "Is there anywhere else we can sit, Gus? C'mon..." [center][h1][b][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLjBmMTZlNi5UbUZrYVdFZ1NHOXlibVYwZEdVLC4w/mettacha-demo.regular.png[/img][/b][/h1][/center] Nadia smiled. "Nice to meet you Ben." She shrugged slightly. "Oh, these are just my notes about the sorting ceremony and the various houses. I'm trying to be as prepared as possible for when my turn comes, you can really never be too prepared for these things..." Her voice trailed off as she looked up and did a double take. She thought she was seeing double, but quickly realized that the two blonde boys standing outside of the compartment must be twins. They appeared to be having a slight disagreement about something, though she couldn't hear their voices through the glass. Her heart sank. [i]I'll get no studying done at all in a full compartment...[/i] she thought worriedly. Nadia turned to Ben. "Um...do you think we should ask them if they're okay?" she asked, nodding her head in the direction of the door. [center][h1][b][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLjEzMGNjNi5RMkZ5ZEdWeUlFRmlZbTkwZEEsLC4w/jaspers-handwriting.regular.png[/img][/b][/h1][/center] "Three sisters?" Carter exclaimed, pushing his curly dark hair back. "Geez. I thought two was bad enough...I can't imagine three...and having two older brothers?" He shook his head. "Well, I'm glad we all share each other's pain," he said jokingly. Carter nodded in agreement with Li. "Me too. I've heard so much about it from my sisters, so I can hardly wait to see it myself! I'm so looking forward to the sorting," he added. "That would be so cool if you could take pictures! I want to write up a segment on it, talking about who gets put in which house. I think it would be really neat." He turned to Ishbel. "I'm sure it's going to go well," he reassured her. "Do you guys have any hope for which house you'll get in?" [center][h1][b][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmVlY2UyMC5VMkZ2YVhKelpTQlRkSEpwZUEsLC4w/assinatura.regular.png[/img][/b][/h1][/center] Saoirse nodded, her ginger hair bouncing. "I'm very excited to start! My brother's already at Hogwarts, he's a Ravenclaw, most of my family has been." She smiled encouragingly at Olivia. "Doesn't matter much who your family is, I don't think, we're all really starting at the same place." She paused, and looked over at the other person in the compartment, and opened her mouth as if to say something. She then closed it and turned back to Olivia. "My brother said not to worry too much about when we first get there, they take real good care of you, though, I can't remember much of what else he said about it..." Saoirse frowned, looking as if she was trying really hard to remember something she had forgotten.