[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=silver]✨ Rebecca Eventide ✨[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.postimg.cc/28T5x2tn/original.gif[/img][hr][b][color=silver]Location:[/color][/b] Argo III - the Galley [b][color=silver]Skills:[/color][/b] Mystiokinesis [hr][hr][/center] Rebecca nodded, continuing the Mist illusion of the dog. [color=silver]"Yes, you can pet him,"[/color] she told Andy with a smile. [color=silver]"Star Wars is a sci-fi fantasy saga... In simpler terms, magical warriors called Jedi are facing a cruel and indifferent space empire."[/color] It was an oversimplification, but Andy was young. Perhaps someone at camp would have a copy of the films and a working system for Andy to watch them on. It'd be nice to give the young daughter of Zeus something normal. She tilted her head slightly, noticing that Arthur was rather quiet. They would have plenty of time for her to begin to tutor him in necromancy. Lauryn's suggestion that they play a game to get to know each other could be nice, especially since Arthur was no doubt still processing the death of his half-sister. [color=silver]"A game sounds fun - perhaps two truths and a lie?"[/color] Rebecca suggested. She had been at camp for a while now, staying there year round, but she remembered having to play icebreakers like those at mortal school when she was little. They had been annoying, but Lauryn was likely right. The three new, fresh faced demigods could probably use that sort of game right now. [hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=a187be]🌈 Leda Storm 🌈[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.postimg.cc/brg07WSD/original.gif[/img][hr][b][color=a187be]Location:[/color][/b] Argo III - Upper Deck [b][color=a187be]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][hr][/center] Leda gasped as the other brunette informed the blonde girl - Leandra - that she was going to be putting in a request for impeachment. She didn't know what impeachment meant, but the drama coming over the Iris message was positively [i]delicious[/i]. It reminded her of Downtown Abbey. She half expected someone to start taking out a cane and hitting people with it, all while saying fanciful turns of phrase such as [i]Well, I never![/i] and [i]I do declare![/i] The bit about discrimination towards the minor gods did sting - Leda [i]hated[/i] it when people saw her as less than just because her mother wasn't an Olympian. She didn't know how Rome's hierarchy worked, but if that was the case, then that was just another reason to dislike the Romans. However, every other word that came out of Leandra's mouth reminded her of snake venom. From what they had overheard from the Iris message, Leandra and Miss Parker were fighting over whether or not they should discuss an ominous prophecy or budget cuts? Had she understood that correctly? [color=a187be]"Sounds grand,"[/color] she said, referring to getting a landing site. Part of her was very excited that Leandra was going to be the escort, just since there was bound to be more tea to spill there. Another part of her was irritated - Leandra struck her as incredibly manipulative. [color=a187be]"We're going to pop off, then. Lovely chatting with you all. Definitely enjoyed the entertainment. Also, blondie? You seem like a bit of a bitch, minor god thing aside. Might want to work on that. Ta!"[/color] Leda then waved her hand through the Iris message, ending it. She was giggling like mad. [hr][hr][center][h3][color=#9370DB][b]☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️[/b][/color][/h3][img]https://i.postimg.cc/J7fyx8Bj/nan.gif[/img][hr][b][color=#9370DB]Location:[/color][/b] New Rome - the Senate House [b][color=#9370DB]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][hr][/center] Nancy was a fiery ball of pure rage and anger, mirroring her father's crueler traits. Apollo wasn't just the Roman god of medicine - he was also the one that brought plagues and disease, destroying towns and potentially civilizations. It was taking all of Nancy's self control to not scream and use her demigod abilities to amplify the sound until Leandra's head exploded. She barely heard Niah inform Leandra that she was going to begin impeachment proceedings on her. The praetor wasn't a huge fan of all the bureaucratic nonsense the Senate had going on, but impeaching Leandra was something she supported wholeheartedly. Leandra then back pedaled so fast that Nancy almost got conversational whiplash. The Senator was now asserting that Nancy only became praetor because minor gods and their descendants were discriminated against? That was complete [i]bullshit[/i]. Nancy had been elected praetor due to her success in retrieving an important magical stone from a dragon with Niah and Madalyne roughly a year prior. Apollo hadn't had anything to do with it. The only thing he had ever done for her was write her a letter of recommendation for the First Cohort and give her the tarot cards to help manage her curse. Hearing Leandra discredit everything Nancy had done, as if her accomplishments weren't her own... It just fed her anger even more. But then Leandra [i]had[/i] to make her out to be a barbaric fool to the Greeks. The laugh was the last straw. Had Madalyne not ordered Leandra to be silent - one of the abilities of the praetors and one Nancy kicked herself for not using already - she would have called for a vote for Leandra's immediate probation from the Senate. A quick glance around the room saw that half of the Senate was silent, yet the other half seemed to be in agreement with Nancy and Madalyne. Good. Even the Greeks seemed to be in agreement, with the blonde making a comment about Leandra before the Iris message ended, leaving them alone in the Senate House. Nancy took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. [color=#9370DB]"Now with that minor grody little problem dealt with... The prophecy."[/color] Her hands started to shake again, forcing herself to go back through the images - she didn't have any trouble recalling them. They were burned into her psyche. She looked down at the cards she had drawn. [color=#9370DB]"I'll start with the vision,"[/color] she said, her voice heavy and serious. The anger was replaced by concern, worry, and even a bit of fear. [color=#9370DB]"I saw a battlefield. The air was thick, heavy, and smelled like farts. A ship in the distance was being wrecked... probably the Greeks ship, actually... Titans, giants, and monsters stood together against a group of thirteen demigods - fourteen if you include myself. The Romans I saw were my fellow praetor Madalyne, Niah, and... Leandra... All of these demigods were chained up at the shrine to Apollo."[/color] She paused for a moment, before continuing. [color=#9370DB]"The cards that I pulled range from the past, the present, to the future... In the far past, I drew the High Priestess, reversed. That card deals with secrets, disconnected from intuition, withdrawal and silence. In the past, I drew the Lovers, also reversed. That usually means self-love, disharmony, imbalance, misalignment of values... In the present, the now, the Hanged Man. Feeling trapped, confined, self-limiting, uncertainty, lack of direction, needing release, letting go.... In the future, I drew Death. This doesn't necessarily mean we'll die, but it deals with endings, change, transformation, transition... And in the far future, the Tower, meaning danger, crisis, destruction, and liberation... Sometimes also unforeseen change."[/color] Nancy's heart was beating furiously. [color=#9370DB]"Taking the cards and my vision together, this is the next great prophecy - the next crisis, combining the threats faced by the Seven with those we fought in the Titan War... A crisis is coming. With the Greeks on their way in a ship, I think it'll be soon. We need to drill the Legion, do harder War Games, anything to give them a fighting chance to survive. Most of us in this room will probably be dead by the time the prophecy runs its course. I don't mean to scare you but... it's just being realistic."[/color]