[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Mzz8EQr_d.webp?maxwidth=9999&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium[/img][/center] Having just spoken to the night attendant of the base, Valentin felt a buzz in his pocket. Removing his phone, he looked at the message to see it was the work of the Sean fellow. That was a man worthy of respect there, one dedicated to his profession and the eternal war. In fact, he was one of the people he had in mind when referring to [i]high-end hunters[/i]; he’d be one of the best people to speak to about what had gone through his head. Valentin didn’t particularly like phones, given they were just shittier computers with keys too small to properly work with but he was far too eager to really care for his distaste of the device. Tapping as fast as he could he sent out a reply: [quote][color=39b54a]Yes. I am at the base. You won’t catch him at the university. I wanted to speak to the Colonel along with some other professionals. I believe I have a way to get the kid with what I know, but I’ll need quite a bit of help.[/color][/quote]