Fendros had Leaps slide to a stop beside Meesei. Even atop the wamasu, he was barely level with Meesei's eyeline while she was hunched over. He pointed one end of his bow towards the tower's top. "You or Sabine could take us to the top. A few units beseige the base. We work our way downstairs with height on our side. The rest of the force can start moving on the next tower." "A portal!" Sabine realised. Over at the command centre, Gro-Tagnud's stern face did not betray any disappointment or elation. "We have to draw their attention, make them commit too early if possible," he advised. "Our fastest troops need to split away forward and goad the enemy into wasting time and energy. It'll take pressure off our front line and put pressure on them." "You underestimate the enemy's patience and endurance," Teroiah said over her glass. "It's not bait," Gro-Tagnud retorted. "It's buying time. If they're suicidal, they'll give chase for long enough."