[@Lugubrious] [color=9e0b0f][b][h1]Doom Slayer[/h1][/b][/color] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/avatar_e82122c34cd9_128.gif[/img] Level 1 Doom Slayer Location: Dead Zone Word Count: 398 The Slayer was not sure where he was, the last thing he remembered was collecting his thoughts after killing the Icon Of Sin for the second time. The blinding white light he thought he was being teleported elsewhere, he thought this was some sort of surprise attack. But he found himself in a strange place, he could not identify it as a place on earth. A robotic voice spoke up inside of his helmet, "Judging form these readings i detect a strong demonic presence in the area" VEGA the A.I he had uploaded before destroying his core spoke up. Their was a sinister smile on the Slayer's face, "RIP AND TEAR, UNTIL THEIR'S NOTHING LEFT!!!" Another voice but one that was in his head screamed in his ear. Looking at the equipment he did have on him, he had the bare essentials. Including his pistol, combat shotgun, wrist blade and meat hook. He was hoping he had kept his baby, his most prized weapon the BFG. Walking towards the city. "Please be careful Slayer" VEGA's voice sounded quite concern, the A.I had became quite sentimental to the Slayer during their adventure. As the slayer made his way into the city, he could see it reminded him of demonic ruined earth. From the distance he noticed the zombies and other demonic beings. Cocking his shotgun and walking closer towards the hoard, opening fire on them getting their attention. As they slowly scrambled towards him, he felt his blood boiling because he knew his battle was ETERNAL. Mowing though the hoard, punching, ripping body parts and shooting the demons. Their was blood splattering all over his suit, which he didn't mind and actually enjoyed the smell of blood. Carnage and death was all he knew ever since he first saved Phobo's from the demonic invasion. He noticed ahead of him another group fighting a large dragon like creature. "YOU ARE HUGE, THAT MUST MEAN YOU HAVE HUGE GUTS" The voice spoke in his head wanting to murder this creature. The Slayer was quickly dispatching the horde, form where he was standing he could see what the other warriors looked like. These zombies making little effort in hurting the Slayer. Slowly making his way over towards the group fighting the dragon.