Two figures can be seen in top of the new guild hall being built in Thaoswen. The sun is out and shining there is a nice breeze to offset the Thorimir heat and new hopes are rising. [color=violet] " By Etars balls its hot "[/color] a young elf who's white hair was up in a bun said as he hammered in a board.[color=silver]" Awww c'mon Fenris it ain't that hot, man or elf up for Razdors sake! " [/color] the dwarf said next to Fenris smiling as he did. [color=violet] " Easy for you to say Tizryn! You're so short the sun is just missing you! "[/color] Fenris called back. [color=silver] " Ehh stop your whining now let's get this roof done you said you would finish the guild hall today! "[/color] Tizryn shouted over the noise of hammers. A few hours later and the roof of the guild hall has been built, Tizryn laughed and climbed down the ladder with Fenris right behind him. The two friends stepped back to admire their work the guildhall was large and well built it certainly took Fenris and Tizryn a few months to build. With that Fenris looked at Tizryn[color=violet] " ready to decorate? "[/color] Tizryn chuckled. [color=silver] " my friend you can do that yourself "[/color] he said than went to check on his griffin Alamir. Fenris cursed in elvish then began the three hour long task of furnishing the guilds interior. [color=violet] " C'mon we have to go get that textile mage"[/color] he said to Tizryn. The pair began to walk down the paths of Thaoswen when Tizryn asked[color=silver] " Fenris my pal do you have any pipe tobacco? "[/color] looking up at his friend after the question. Fenris nodded and handed Tizryn some who took out a match and lit and then took a puff. Eventually arriving at the mages house Fenris paid the mage the last remaining funds he set aside for starting the guild. The trio then walked back to the guildhall in which the mage then sat in a chair near the entrance of the guild, while Fenris and Tizryn sat outside the guildhall awaiting members and smoking their pipes.