[right][hr][color=gray][b]Ferris Wood[/b] Heart of the Forest. 21st Sun of Ondine [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sGMKm1Ozfw]Background Music[/url] [/color][hr][/right] [indent] As the group moved forward into the brush, the sound of rustling brush echoed around the entire group. Shadows of various sizes seemed to be dashing around the party. Shapes of wolves, of plant monsters, of birds and of creatures with a more humanoid shape seemed to be moving away from the party. They were running from something. The reverberating echo of a loud roar shocked the area of the group. It was coming towards them. [center]***[/center] From Avaddon's perch, he could see the forest moving. But what he didn't anticipate was the large tendril wrapping around the tree he stood on. The sudden yank the tendril gave the tree caused the wood to buckle and snap, sending the monk down towards the forest floor, and only a few yards from the group. However, he was blocked off due to rushing shadows of monsters. [color=gray]"Avaddon!"[/color] Edgar called to the burly monk. [color=gray]"Something is-"[/color] Edgar was unable to finish his shout as the large gaping maw of a beast emerged from the shadows, engulfing various creatures indiscriminately into its maw. [center] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/7/7b/Malboro_FFXV.png/revision/latest?cb=20181211173057[/img] [/center] A malboro. Various tendrils whipped around the earth, aiming to slam into Ianthe, Mitra and Baldur. The guildsman brought his buckler up to defend, but was quickly thrown aside. Slime and drool poured from the beast's mouth. [i]It was hungry.[/i] [/indent]