[quote=@tex][b]What part of your Role-playing experience fulfills you the most?[/b] Which decisions, or encounters, give you those sick tingly feelings along the back of your wrists? What are you always looking for when you step into your character's shoes?[/quote] Those moments where I encounter another player with a mastery of the English language (poor spelling, grammar, etc, are instant mood killers), and the slightly more intangible talent of creating a compelling story that pulls me in and intrigues me. It's not enough to simply be a 'good writer' in the technical sense. I've read plenty of RP that had perfect spelling, grammar, and punctuation. The sentences were well laid out. The writing had a decent flow. The vocabulary was admirable. But there was still something missing. I just felt zero interest for what I was reading. I didn't give two flips about the character or the plot. I was bored. The rare and surreal times where I run into a character that meets all of the criteria for 'good' writing, AND that can snag and hold my interest, and make me feel compelled to shift my own creative juices into second gear... that's the worthwhile stuff. There's an indefinable magic that occurs, when you suddenly find yourself thinking "WOW...this is good RP..." and you can't wait for the next emote/post. Your own character suddenly feels alive and real, and the plot is taking on a life of its own. You're no longer steering it, you're along for the ride, sitting back in breathless, wide-eyed astonishment as the story runs away to an unknown destination. Cherish those moments and treat those RPers with the utmost respect and value, because they come along all too infrequently.