[color=f49ac2][i]Keeping it together really well?[/i][/color] Considering his comment as she walked on thinking on it, why had it not affected her? Sure, she did feel things for what had happened, what she had gone through, but it wasn’t like she was in pieces. Not yet anyway which did concern her a little. A part of her wondered if that’s because she was just bottling it up, pushing it all to one side in hopes it would just go away and it felt like it had been something she had done before. In fact, Iris knew it’s what she had done before, she would just box up whatever emotion it was and file it away like it was nothing. Until the boxes started to overfill of course. [color=f49ac2]“Thank you, I know I can always talk you. Just like you can with me, I’m always happy to listen.”[/color] Smiling as she walked towards Eulmore from the fork in the road at his confirmation that it would be there best bet. Shelter would be easier this way that’s for certain, she wasn’t too sure how long the other route would take them. [color=f49ac2]“Oh, just that it may be a little bit longer walking was all. I just didn’t want you to think it would only be like fifteen more minutes. Maybe an hour if we are lucky?”[/color] Chuckling to herself as she looked up at the sky noting it was getting dark. [color=f49ac2]“We should be able to find shelter before it gets dark though.”[/color] Quickening her pace slightly just to ensure they would be able to make it in the dwindling daylight. [color=f49ac2]“We still have some time at least so, how about we use this time to maybe ask each other some questions? Get to know more things about one another. Like… I don’t even know your favourite colour.”[/color] Iris teased softly as she continued on the path down the road knowing it would lead them to the next district. [color=f49ac2]“Orrrr maybe [i]embarrassing[/i] stories? I’d sure love to know them to tease you~”[/color] Laughing to herself as she kept the mood light, plus she did want to get to know him a little bit more. Seeing as they had a fair bit of time together it didn’t hurt sharing stories, plus it would be nice and light-hearted and it would keep their minds off of the tragedy of the districts they had already passed. [color=f49ac2]“Maybe I’ll be able to remember some embarrassing memories of my own that I can share with you too?”[/color] Iris couldn’t help the cheeky grin that spread across her face as she kept her pace with heading towards Eulmore. They could see buildings in the distance and from what she could see they still looked intact which gave her hope that they could find shelter for the night. Feeling a new sense of determination as she walked, she hoped she could find them a decent place to sleep, something with four walls and a door that would keep them safe. That was the hope at least.