[center][h1][u][b][color=f26522]MISFITS[/color][/b][/u] [i]STORM INCOMING![/i][/h1][/center] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/OILBCuK.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [b][u][h3]Hook[/h3][/u][/b] [indent][i][b][color=f26522]"You are a young offender in the great nation of England, granted an Anti-Social-Behavioural-Order, ASBO for short. For whatever your crime, you have been granted the pleasure of anywhere between 40 to 300 hours of unpaid community service. Here you will do such charming things as; Cleaning Graffiti, Picking Litter, sorting through donated clothes, and helping with whatever community centre activities your probation worker will task you with. Aren't you just so happy to be giving back to the people of the great city of Manchester?" "Yeah Right." "There's nothing duller than doing a job that you shouldn't have to do and for no pay. It's horrible and tedious but it's your own fault for breaking the law, or the very least getting caught. This is life now, so you have to deal with it. But be wary, young offenders, the storms on its way. cannonballs will fall from the sky and when you finally get struck by that blinding flash, you'll get back up and things will never be the same again. The storm is coming, regardless of if you're ready to brace it, or if you run from it."[/color][/b][/i][/indent] [hr] [b][u][h3]Introduction[/h3][/u][/b] [indent][i][b]Hello There! Welcome to MisFits: Storm Incoming! I am Black, your GM for this here roleplay. It will be based on the hit UK 2009 TV show, "MisFits", A show about how a group of young offenders are gifted superpowers by a freak storm, with hijinx in tow. This roleplay will mostly be a character-driven one, no real need for D'n'D type combat system or anything. In MisFits, while the powers are beneficial, they can also be seriously inhabilitating in certain situations. The whole drama and intrigue of it all will be from the situations the characters land themselves in. So yes, your choices will have a big sway on the RP. I intend to start with the murder plot from the first episode, of course, with our characters instead of the actual canon five. Probation worker will get hit by the lightning and will go berserk because of it, leaving our protagonists with two bodies on their hands, as well as the conscious weight of what could happen if they're ever found out. This will then devolve into Episodes, in which will be planned with player participation, asking what would want to be seen. We can, however, discuss how we continue once there's enough player input. I guess, now that I have gotten the explanation out the way, I can get into some further rules. I am going with the rule standard of the whole server, but I need to set power rules. [/b][/i][/indent] [hr] [b][u][h3]Powers[/h3][/u][/b] [i][b][indent]Powers in the MisFits universe aren't exactly your marvel superhero standard. These powers are quite literal and unruly. You may have telepathy, but you can't hone in on one specific person and it is constantly active. You may be able to turn invisible, but you can't do it at will. I will be banning some powers, just to keep anyone from becoming untouchable. These are the powers that will not be appearing. [/indent][/b][/i] [indent][i][list] [*] [color=f26522][b]Time Travel;[/b][/color] [i]- For reasons you can probably deduce yourself, Curtis's power from the original series will not be allowed in this RP. Sadly, time is a thing that is sketchy with any roleplay and when it is allowed, it's hardly ever done competently. Therefore, no time bending is allowed.[/i] [*] [b][color=f26522]Instant Teleportation;[/color][/b] [i]- Instant teleportation, while a character in MisFits does have it, it will not make an appearance here unless regulated. If you do have a character you think [b]must[/b] have this power for whatever reason, they will not be able to do it competently. Instant dodging is an asspull. [/i] [*] [b][color=f26522]Super Strength;[/color][/b] [i]- Too good of a power to be used in this situation, especially by a protagonist character. If this is used, it will be for a villain, not for an MC. A character can have enhanced strength, but no one is lifting a car. [/i] [*] [b][color=f26522]Winged Flight;[/color][/b] [i]- From the TV series, no one really gets any sort of external biological symptoms of their power (other than the bald girl), and thusly I think someone growing wings would be a silly addition to a roster.[/i] [*] [color=f26522][b]Power Trading;[/b][/color] [i]- Nobody gets a power trading ability. We are not doing that, or at the very least, not this early. If this does pop up in the future, it will be from me due to a demand for a power change.[/i] [/list][/i][/indent] [b][color=f26522]BE AWARE, THIS WILL BE ADDED TO![/color][/b] [hr] [h3][b][u]The End[/u][/b][/h3] [b][i][indent]That's it from me as it stands, this will become more fleshed out once I see if anyone would like to get in on the action. I'm looking for four other writers so that we can achieve the roaster of five like in the show. Once four good quality writers show an interest, I will stop accepting OCs unless I feel comfortable managing a few more people. This is my first time doing this on this here site, so be gentle. Be glad to hear from you! Over and Out! ~ Black Blood <3 [/indent][/i][/b]