[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200208/11ab2a550904b962041573fbfc392a1d.png[/img] [Color=mediumpurple]Time:[/color] Late Afternoon [Color=mediumpurple]Location:[/color] Roshmi Grand Hall [Color=mediumpurple]Interaction:[/color] [@Tae] Azriel [Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/O6vqgQo.png[/img][/center][/center] [Color=mediumpurple][i]Angel of death? Now that's a badass title. I gotta earn my own while I'm here.[/i][/color] Darius placed his freehand at the small of her back. Avoiding touching her wings seemed like common sense. You're not supposed to ruffle a bird's feathers, so why would you ruffle the ones of a woman who was friendly with a frightening demon. [Color=mediumpurple]"Jack? I actually never got to meet the guy. He can take the slot for normal. Just think of me as the… hm?"[/color] Darius smiled as he pretended to ponder. [Color=mediumpurple]"How about the better one? Handsome one?"[/color] Darius chuckled which caused him to get distracted enough to miss a beat. When he had first approached Azriel, he could tell his words stunned her a bit, but in a good way. If he could have a good time while in turn granting her the same, then perhaps tonight he could say he didn't find any rebels or humans, but he sure as hell found a friend. [Color=mediumpurple]"Sorry, I got distracted."[/color] He said with his head down as he tried to correct their offbeat steps to the music playing. Once he thought he got them back on track, his eyes met hers again. [Color=mediumpurple]"Where is this Jack guy anyway? I haven't had the chance to meet anyone like [i]him[/i] yet… But hey, you're just as good if not better, but you know what I mean, right? Sometimes I feel like I might be the last one left."[/color] Darius' voice quieted as his smile faded at his own negative outlook on the situation. He had been in Avalia for almost two weeks and hadn't even seen another human. Was this place just that vast? Were there just not many humans left? Or perhaps he was the opposite of what he claimed he was. Unlucky.