While Crow’s words had been cryptic to her, it seemed that he had been right in assuming that his old companions would know what he was talking about. Penelope was glad too. The last thing she wanted was to relay a message that no one understood. Her gaze flickered between the two thieves as the spoke of the fallen tree before looking back over to Hazel as she thanked the knight for delivering the message. Penelope dipped her head to the herbalist with a small smile. Though Hazel’s words were kind, she couldn’t help but feel a faint sting for being the one to take him away from them in the first place. Even though it seemed none of them harbored any grudge towards her for it. “Of course. It was the least I could do.” she said with a shrug. As Hazel offered her something to eat, Penelope hesitated. Her immediate answer would have been yes merely based on the hunger from the long trip to reach them. However, upon second thought, she realized that it was likely for the best that she didn’t accept Hazel’s offer. Though it was kind, Penelope silently recalled that the herbalist was pregnant. The last thing she wanted to do was take food away from the mother to be. Besides, her battalion would have plenty of food to spare so it felt wrong to take it from the small group that had to keep themselves sustained. Plus she wanted to reach her battalion before the sun fully set. “Thank you for the offer but I’m actually on my way back to my battalion right now.” Penelope explained with a grateful smile. “I want to try and reach the camp before it gets too dark. Plus I wouldn’t want to delay your own trip. Crow has a rather strict baron with him so I’m sure he’ll only have tonight to meet you all before they continue on into Younis in the morning.” She gave a small shrug and glanced over her shoulders. Her camp wasn’t terribly far so she didn’t doubt that she could make it there in time before the sun fully set. There would be plenty to do and catch up on when she did arrive too. A breath escaped her at the thought and she looked back to the trio standing in front of her. “In fact, I should be taking my leave. Message aside, it was good to see you all again. I hope you have an easy trip to wherever that tree is.” she said with a smile.