Name: Nox Nyctores "Barrel the Cat" Race: Grimalkin (Cat Beastkin) Age: 212 Appearance: [img][/img] Bio: For many years, the cat beastkins were always a capacious bunch. Whether in mass or alone, the cat beastkin are found wherever humans dwell, either in beast or hybrid form. But among the feline beastkin is a rarer breed: the Grimalkins. There is an old saying that cats have nine lives, and it's the Grimalkin who put that into real practice, being absurdly long-lived and difficult to put down. Nox is one of the few Grimalkins. Unlike many beastkin, his form originated solely as a cat: his early life was being the familiar of an enterprising human mage many, many years ago. It was through the efforts of the mage that Nox would eventually gain his own sentience but it was only afterwards that he would go about obtaining the coveted status of Grimalkin. Grimalkin are not chosen, but made, and so once Nox received the liberation of awakening he left the service of his wizard master and sought the challenges and rites to become the legendary cat beast. He did many thing in his short life, from hunting the biggest prey (A whale), reaching the sky (Climbed a mountain), and even obtained immortality (Has a vast lineage of children). Over the course of his life his physiology changed from that of a cat to a more traditional beastkin, namely the ability to walk on two feet and having opposable thumbs. He even learned magic, and from there it became apparent that his deeds enabled him to become a grimalkin, granting him an ageless existence similar to the elves. But that gave Nox one problem. He had no idea what he wanted to do with his life now. Once a cat so full of ambition and aspiration, but now that he had obtained what he had wanted, he had no idea what he would do next. It was a mystery. But he didn't let it bother him too much: without having to truly worry about morality for a very long time, Nox decided to do what a cat does best: enjoy it's life. He settled down for a while, siring many more kittens and seeing them grow up to become adults. He would occasionally come into the service of others, posing as a mere cat, and leaving when it suited him. He even had a rather infamous career as an assassin, utilizing his unassuming appearance to stalk his prey and slay them when they least expect it. He learned many magics to bolster his ability and entertain him, and eventually one day while he was sleeping in a barrel, he was adopted by some orc. He seemed nice enough, gave Nox a warm place to sleep and food when he wants it, though Nox doesn't feel too particularly close to the man. Still it seemed like he was up to something exciting, and Nox could certainly use the distraction. So he's going to stick around and tag along for his adventures, just to see where it goes. Stats:[list] Health: 2+2 (4) Stamina: 2+3+2 (7) PStr: 2+1 (3) PDef: 2+4 (6) MStr: 2+6 (8) MDef: 2+5 (7)[/list] Gear: None, for he is a cat. Martial Arts: Feline Grace - Being a cat, Nox is capable of deft acrobatic maneuvers, often landing on his feet perfectly safe regardless of the height he falls. He can also use his claws to climb on most surfaces and has a natural night vision. Finally his footsteps are naturally silent. Magic: Psycho Cutter - Psychic energy form around Nox's claws, allowing him to deliver a powerful slashes that bypass physical armor. This is Nox's primary combat spell. Dark Pulse - Dark energy collect in Nox's eyes, allowing him to shoot a beam of foul energy at any target he can see, no matter how far away they are. The energy then blasts the target with a mixture of dark and force energy, capable of toppling even the staunches of enemies. Nox's primary range spell. Nine Lives - Nox creates up to eight other copies of himself. They share his strength and abilities, however they are very fragile so even an attack that wouldn't kill Nox can kill them. Nox can telepathically communicate with these clones and anything they learn is returned to Nox when they vanish. Shadow Step - Nox can teleport up to any shadow he sees within 60ft of himself. Night Fall - A large 20-foot radius cloud of profane darkness surrounds a single object or creature that Nox chooses. Anything within that cloud is effectively blind thanks to the impenetrable darkness which even a creature's darkvision cannot pierce. Only those with magical darkvision such as Nox can see through it. Primal Instincts - Increases Nox's abilities, magically improving senses and agility. It also allows him to detect the presence of magic. Vanish - Turns Nox or anything he touches invisible for a few minutes. Catnap - Nox's ultimate spell. It's a large Area-of-Effect spell that causes anything caught within to immediately fall asleep if they can't resist his magic. If anyone within the area of effect was already asleep, they won't wake up unless the spell is dispelled or ends. For some reason, it does not affect elves. Loud noises and bright lights won't even wake them up. The spell only lasts for ten minutes. Likes: Fish, warmth, soft things, killing. Dislikes: Bread, being wet, loud people, children. Extras: Nox doesn't consider himself anyone's pet, but freely helps himself to their homes and food. He will act respectfully and partial if they allow him, or he'll extract vengeance if they don't. Fancies himself a chef and is pretty good at cooking.