I'm not sure if anyone is still checking this thread based on the date of the last reply, but I'm very into psychology and talk about this sort of stuff all the time with my friends in real life, so I thought I'd hop on. I have to echo what Zyshi said about people "typing" as the personality they most admire or wish they were. Additionally, I agree that categorizing human personalities is difficult because there are so many factors that can change the way we behave. For example, I type as an ENTP (Debater) when I take the Myers Briggs test, but I don't always behave that way depending on what's going on in my life. What I don't like about the Myers Briggs is that it gives you no wiggle room to account for the fluidity of human nature. Instead, it puts you into one of 16 boxes and assumes you'll always behave the same way. People are simply too complex for that. As an alternative, I [b][i]highly[/i][/b] prefer the enneagram. It's a personality diagram that was created about 1600 years ago and has proven accurate for every single person I know who's taken it. What's great about it is that instead of listing the behaviors of the 9 personality types it includes, it pegs each type's greatest motivations and fears, to which every person will respond differently because we're all different people. It also accounts for behavioral fluidity by describing the way each type may act when they're feeling emotionally stressed or secure or if they're immature or mature people. There's plenty of wiggle room for "context" because it was created as a tool to help people grow. I also use it as a reference when I make characters for roleplays because it helps me make them more realistic and unlike myself :) It could be interesting if your friends who all typed as INTJs on the Myers Briggs turned out to be different types on the enneagram. After all, two people can act the same way but have very different motivations for doing the things they do. You could just be right about the fact that people tend to be drawn to others who are like them. Anyway, I know it was slightly off topic, but that's my two cents on the Myers Briggs' reliability. [@Thrash Panda]