[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/celtic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200513/22cdc72af78353418c8e2afe0b3cf729.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr] [center] Äsdis had been sitting within the inn of Hallasholm for a while now, listening to the ruckus of the establishment as many had been downing their drinks, tellings tales and everything else in between. The young shieldmaiden had since made the long journey from her village to begin a new journey to which would either give many riches and glorious battles, or she'll die trying and pray to Odin to done enough to earn her place in Valhalla. for now she sat in the corner observing waiting for the skirl of the [i]The Wolfwind[/i] to show up and announce themselves to the brothers and sisters who she would fight side by side with in the challenging times ahead, for now she enjoyed her mead, the taste strong and welcoming. There were a few men and women speaking of the raid to come, this peaked her interest above all over conversation, it gave her a sense of her time to prove herself coming, all she had to fall upon was her training and what her parents taught her, her mother a well known shieldmaiden in her own right left Äsdis with a lot to live up to. soon a man came in announcing that it was time to meet up at the [i]Wolfwind[/i], it appeared the people that caught her attention are in the same raiding party as her own and so downed her mead, wiped her mouth before picking up her things and following along through the crowd, managing to keep up in the background of the group, she would no doubt be introducing herself once they were aboard and the journey no doubt would give her time to getting to know her fellow brothers and sisters in arms, she had all she needed in terms of gear and weapons, travelling light enough that it was enough but left room for anything she may pick up in time, the unknown excited her as she stood by the longship.[/center]