It is difficult to adequately describe why I continue to roleplay when, in actuality, the things that drove me before no longer mean much for me as a writer or participant. Objectively. If I were to reflect, then I would suppose that what fulfills me now is the here-to unobtained sense of nostalgia I desire; a theoretical state in which I experience a satisfaction or accomplishment much aligned with those I 'lived' when I started roleplaying. Excellent plot or masterful linguistic artistry no longer influence my sense of 'enjoyment,' neither does character dynamics or story twists. But I roleplay because I am aimlessly seeking for those things to inspire and interest me again. Like they used to do. Much of this, I surmise, is largely due to my personal development, or regression depending on your perspective. But I keep going because I find solace in the goal I aspire to arrive at.