[quote=@Disdain] I'm surprised. Well, just because Seth was stubborn doesn't mean I have to expect you to be. *They shuffle and mutter before quieting down again* [/quote] Recently, the combination of the NAN Sector and the rest of Existence has finalized. This was the reason for Yander's plan to recreate the original Trigger and restore it to the Original Generator, something you all have likely forgotten. Unfortunately, being at it when it happened resulted in the loss of two of us, Yander and Mikial. Regardless of this, the split that occurred in the first place has resulted in two versions of history. The combination of the two has resulted in the history I'm from becoming the true history, in layman's terms. There's more to this, of course, but that's the basis you need to understand. In this history, the was a species-wide war between Codi. We all were dragged into it, though you Codex as always remained elsewhere. Eventually, however, we all gained Codex powers. This made the war very... different. There were two main factions in the end, and the leaders of the two are now setting their sights on the rest of Existence. When Baphumet killed two of us, I and another became Codex. That brings us to now.