[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Qvm9ihS.png[/img][/center] [color=FFE4E1]"Uh...huh."[/color] Cecilia watched the celestial maiden fall, apparently not beholden to the same gravity that the rest of them was. Like a normal person, she shimmied down the four-story drop with rope herself, bouncing against the wall as she descended. Plenty of thoughts were going through her own head now, but in the end...there was some incongruities here, weren't there? Artemisia seemed alive though, and Locke existed too in his Locke-ish way of not saying or doing much of anything. Interesting, really... [color=FFE4E1]"Well, let's keep it simple and hash things out then. Dunno where the Herculon Gorge or Severanoxis is, but right now, we're at the Forgotten Ruins, north of Palagria. One week back, a falling star struck this area, and most of the adventurers, such as ourselves, went off to investigate, either at the behest of Palagria or just, cause, y'know, ain't every day we get to see a falling star."[/color] Cecilia took a swig of water from her skin, before offering the obviously confused star-maiden a cookie. [color=FFE4E1]"My group got here first, looked up, and found you in a crystal. Hit it a buncha times to break you out, and there you go!"[/color] Her eyes flickered briefly towards their surroundings once more. The sound of battle had definitely died down now. Worse comes to worse, they'd have to go crawling through the way Annabelle came in. Sucks for Arte's horse and lizardman, really. [color=FFE4E1]"So hey, maybe whoever you were fighting banished you to another plane? Or maybe you died, and this is what happens when the divine perish? Who were you calling for anyways? Your attendants?"[/color]