[color=f49ac2]“Oh wow, I’m such an idiot. We’ve already discussed this before. When we were shopping.”[/color] Iris felt her cheeks heat up at the embarrassment on the fact they had this conversation before. A part of her was embarrassed that she had forgotten, but then another part was embarrassed because she had been silly enough to bring it up again. [color=f49ac2]“When I so excitedly pointed out the toothbrush back when we were shopping, that it was purple and that it was my favourite colour. Wow I can’t believe how silly I am.”[/color] Chuckling softly to herself as she shook her head, amused by the fact she had brought it up. [color=f49ac2]“See, there…”[/color] Teasing as she squealed from the poke to her side, [color=f49ac2]“That was kind of embarrassing~”[/color] Batting her eyelashes at Cas as she looked up at him, [color=f49ac2]“Come onnnn, you know you want to tell me. I promise I won’t laugh or tell anyone.”[/color] Smirking to herself as she was careful not to trip over any of the rubble on the floor as they continued there walk to the district. [color=f49ac2]“And you never know I could remember something. These stories could spur on something soooo embarrassing that it will all be worth it and well if not… I still had fun~”[/color] Unable to contain her giggles as she looked back over at Cas with a big cheeky grin on her face, [color=f49ac2]“And maybe… I get to [i]tease[/i] you about a few things or two.”[/color] Thinking on it herself she wondered what kind of embarrassing tales she would learn about herself; she was sure she had some stories. Maybe even Maisie could enlighten her one day, she was certain she could learn a lot about herself through Maisie so hopefully when things were less hectic, she could sit down and discuss things about her life. Though at the thought of that she felt her smile drop slightly more because she didn’t know if that would be possible anymore. Trying to think on the future was difficult right now, although she wanted to believe it would all end in some sort of happily ever after that wouldn’t be the case and she knew it. No matter what his choice would be it would have a knock-on effect and she knew she couldn’t put her own happiness in front of a country that could use a good ruler that she believed he could be. [color=f49ac2]“And I’m sure you won’t let me get off scot-free, you will get your own back I’m sure. We can’t have you being the only embarrassed one.”[/color] Continuing with her teasing tone as she could see them getting closer to Eulmore, hopefully there wouldn’t be any rebels around as they had been lucky so far. In the sense that they hadn’t run into them just yet, they hadn’t exactly had the smoothest of escapes or travels, but so far, they had not encountered the rebels which she was thankful for. Iris didn’t know how she would react to it, the anger and disappointment her father would no doubt have for what she had done. There was no way she’d be walking away without facing the consequences and if they were caught they would kill him and she had nothing to fight against it.