[b][h1][center]Act Two, Scene Five: The First Hunt[/center][/h1][/b] He was hungry, gods he was so hungry. He had been travelling through the forests for a while now, and the snow had begun to set in, it was only a matter of time before he was caught in the wilds, alone, and with no food. He had no tribe to come back to, he lived alone, his crops had failed and his hunting was poor, no wonder they didn’t want him anymore. It was hopeless, he was going to die out here, with nothing to his name, and no one to mourn him. He sank to his knees, his hastily constructed bow falling into the dirty snow, he cried out, begging anything, anyone to save him. But nothing came, there was only silence, it was over, not even the gods had come to save him. Then, a branch snapped, his head was brought upward, and he saw it, a deer stood right in front of him, staring him down. His hand reached out, grabbing his bow once more, before his other one grabbed one of his shoddy stone arrows, he knocked the arrow into the bow, and fired. It went wide and the deer ran. He was quick to follow, rising rapidly from the ground to chase after it through the dense forest, he took shot after shot, but again and again they went wide, barely even scraping the hide. His lungs were burning, legs were beginning to give out, his arrows were running out, he just had to catch this deer, he was so damn hungry. His fortune finally turned, the deer stumbled over roots hidden beneath the snow, he could hear the legs snap as they twisted and collapsed, this was his chance. He pulled out his stone knife and descended upon the deer, it kicked and bucked, but he stabbed and stabbed, blood gushed and flowed, his hands and face were showered in the cascade of red. His hunger had grown too great, he didn’t even care about gathering the meat to cook, he just dug in, his hands and knife clawing away chunks of flesh before shoving them down his gullet, chewing and eating with a hunger he had never experienced before. While he ate, the deer began to melt away, instead of a gutted animal, he began to eat from another hunter, their face plastered with an expression of fear and terror, guts spilling out from a large incision. He stopped, his own look of terror appearing upon his own face, he looked upon his hands, covered in the hunter’s blood. What. What had he done? He slowly rose, he couldn’t return now, he definitely couldn’t return now, he had killed another Weike and...and eaten their flesh. [i]But it had tasted so good[/i] He found himself drawn back to the corpse once more, he was still so hungry. He shook his head, he couldn’t do this, what was he doing? This was, just wrong. What had driven him to do this? His stone knife still sat in his hand, he gazed upon it, bringing it closer to himself. Grasping it with both hands, the blade pointing straight at his own chest. He thrust forward. But his own arms stopped, as if his bones could no longer move. [color=DAA250]”Now now my dear little pet, you can’t just get out of this so easily.”[/color] A voice rang through his mind, echoing and jostling around his skull, his sight grew hazy and his thoughts cloudy [color=DAA250]”How about you have another taste?”[/color] The knife fell into the snow with a soft thunk, and he shot forward, his mind filled with an aching hunger, and he feasted. As he feasted, as he shoved the flesh and guts into his mouth, he began to change. His body grew thin, becoming grey and pallid, his torso and legs grew taller and longer, stretching his height to nearly 8 feet, his hands became clawed as they dug into the guts, better ripping out the flesh, his feet became cloven hooves and unguligrade, his head grew long, becoming an elk like maw and snout with the skin ripping away, leaving only bare white bone, his eyes became predator like, and long elk horns erupted from his head, twisting and shaping as he feasted, finally his hair gave way, becoming dense grey fur that grew in haggard forms across his body. When it was done, he had had his fill of the hunter. [color=B22222]”Flesh….feast...eat”[/color] his voice had become haggard and monstrous. He looked around, he had been sated, but for how long? [color=DAA250]”Now now my pet, flesh will come when it comes, for now, I have something else to give you.”[/color] A nearby branch of a tree snapped off suddenly, its twisted form becoming even more twisted and thinner, suddenly, from its top came a metal blade, long and curved, scythe like, it was rusted and as haggard as its long handle. He felt drawn to it, slowly picking it up. [color=B22222]”Hunt...yes...hunt.”[/color] his mind was racing, but it had finally begun to calm down, a new purpose in mind. [color=DAA250]”Very good my pet, now, I shall leave you for now, but know, if you are injured, you need only eat enough flesh, and that blade, for every person you strike, it shall bring disease to their life.”[/color] He had little time to think on this before sounds drew his attention, voices, calling out a name, those of his former people. He felt the drive of the hunt once more, this, this he could get used to. [hider=scene summary] We come upon a nameless Weike man, hungry as the snow falls upon the north. He’s pretty useless so he just ends up begging the gods in a roundabout way to help him, bad choice. He sees a deer and after a brief chase scene he manages to catch up and kill it, his hunger so great he just eats the raw flesh. But wuh-oh it's another Weike! Our unnamed dude is horrified and decides this might be a good idea to just kill himself, but our resident evil god decides to intervene and goads him to eat more. He eats and he’s been transformed into an Iskrill like being and becomes Yamat’s first hero, he’s also given a plague scythe and told to just kinda do his own thing for a bit. He hears voices and decides to go on another hunt. [/hider] [hider=point usage] Start=5mp/5dp [b]The First Hunter[/b]: MP [i]The Flesh that Heals III[/i]: This hero can regenerate lost limbs and injuries by consuming an amount of flesh twice the loss of their own flesh, ex: lose an arm, needs to eat twice arms worth of flesh to regenerate(based on the hero’s arms/body parts). The regeneration takes four days to complete. [b]The Rotting Scythe[/b] DP [i]Plague Bringer II[/i]: Any living being(that can contract diseases) injured by this weapon contracts a minor plague or disease shortly afterward, these diseases can incapacitate the host if not treated well and can be spread, but are not currently life threatening and will go away after a week of solid rest and treatment. 2 dp towards the Decay portfolio End=2mp/3dp [/hider]