[color=ccb6b4][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/vlDT9m9.png[/img][/center][/color] [right][sup][@Severance][/sup][/right] [i]Eurgh.[/i] Yoru's face didn't change in the slightest, but she internally cringed. A slumber party felt a bit redundant. Considering how they would sleep within four tatami mats for the rest of the school year. Well, it wasn't like Yoru was involved in any of those either. Not that she wanted to, of course. If she was able to have a slumber party in the first place, of course she'd refuse it. But again, social standing. This was someone Yoru would be spending time with until late March, whether she liked it or not. She had to, at the very least, humor her roommates whims. There was no other reason why she'd accept a sleepover, none whatsoever. [color=ccb6b4]"Sure~!"[/color] That sweet tone of hers came out again. She didn't refuse Haruhi's help in carrying her sole bag. There was no verbal jousting of 'oh no it's heavy, I can carry it myself' and other similar things, nor was there any offer of repaying her in some way. Just a simple thank you the moment she offered. With that, the two of them left the group of students to go see their own room. It certainly was a room. That's pretty much all they were. The accommodations were nothing special. Room to study and sleep, but that was about it. The adjacent beds weren't something that Yoru particularly liked, but it was fine. Beds were for sleeping on and nothing else. The furniture was serviceable. Nothing special or lush, but that was also fine. It wasn't in disrepair, though that was expected. Horrible student accommodations were more of a non-hero university type thing. At least, that's what she read on the internet. So she placed all of her things in the right spot. Uniforms in the drawers, as she planned to buy actual clothes at a later date. Make up and self-care products all over her desk alongside a hand mirror. Really, it was astounding how many care products she brought along. They took up the entirety of her bag, minus the uniforms. She settled in well enough. [color=ccb6b4]"So Yano, what's the first thing you want to do for this girl's night~?"[/color]