[hr][center][@Morose][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@KazAlkemi][@Framing A Moose][@Natsu][/center] [hr][hr][h3][center]A few weeks later[/center][/h3][hr][hr] It had been a few weeks since the situation involving Galactus, and Lance was heading to Stark Tower. He still was getting used to the idea that he had a Hulk form of his own, considering he had been told years ago that that sort of thing might not be possible at all, but oh well. Guess blood transfusions with the Hulk were a [i]really[/i] bad idea. When he got to the top floor, he glanced around, wondering somewhat where Tony had wandered off to. [color=yellow]"Hey dad, you around here?"[/color] he called out, wondering partially what his dad had wanted to talk to him about. [color=8dc73f]"In the kitchen, buddy,"[/color] Banner called out. When Lance entered the room, his father wasn't alone. With him was a rather strong yet [url=https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/marvel-she-hulk-1568994311.jpg?crop=1.00xw:0.441xh;0,0.309xh&resize=1200:*]elegant looking woman[/url] with green hair and skin. She wore a purple power suit and a briefcase was sitting on the ground next to her - the sort with combination locks on them that lawyers carried. [color=8dc73f]"I want you to meet my cousin, uh, Jennifer... Jennifer, this is my son, Lance... He's uh... like us."[/color] Lance wandered over, and froze when he saw her, since this [i]definitely[/i] was not something he expected, and that's coming from someone whose seen a lot of weird things in his lifetime already. [color=yellow]"Uh... Nice to meet you."[/color] [color=2CFD01]"Nice to meet you too Lance, your dad's told me about you."[/color] Jennifer responded, giving him a slight wave. [color=yellow]"Okay... I'm really confused at this point as to how... Uh... Well how your you know, green."[/color] [color=2CFD01]"Now that is a bit of a long story."[/color] [color=yellow]"That kind of seems to be a reoccurring theme with this family, [i]everything[/i] is a long story of some sort."[/color] Banner nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. He didn't really want to get into what had happened to Jennifer - just like with Lance, it had been [i]his[/i] fault. His blood had caused the problem. He had tried to explain to Jennifer what could happen, but it had been too late. She would have died if he hadn't given blood to her after the accident. [color=8dc73f]"She works in court with Matt Murdock sometimes,"[/color] Banner said, trying to change the subject. [color=8dc73f]"You know, the lawyer that always insists he isn't Daredevil."[/color] [color=2CFD01]"Yup, I sure do, though the fact that he won't admit that he's Daredevil is more hilarious then anything. Though the fact that most people are oblivious to it is even more entertaining."[/color] [color=yellow]"That sounds like fun. Guessing by the way you all have been talking you're a lawyer then."[/color] [color=2CFD01]"Yup, sure am,"[/color] she said simply with a shrug, it was fairly obvious that not only did she have complete control over her own Hulk form, but actually sounded like she might prefer being in hers. [color=2CFD01]"Not like any of the court cases are really big ones for me at least."[/color] [color=yellow]"...Well I mean, that's usually a good sort of thing when you think about it. But the conversation changed topics... How did you become green essentially?"[/color] She let out a bit of a sigh, knowing that her cousin at least in part likely blamed himself for it. [color=2CFD01]"I was visiting your father and we were walking around when I got shot. I was defending a criminal who got double crossed by his organization and was going to turn witness for them. Course they didn't want me helping him so they came after me and pulled the trigger. If your father hadn't been around I probably would have ended up dead."[/color] [color=yellow]"So... A blood transfusion like what happened with me."[/color] [color=2CFD01]"Yup, but honestly I don't mind it. I'm fine being this way, and I'm glad he chose to save my life even knowing what could happen,"[/color] she responded, before giving her cousin a bit of a smile. They more or less grew up together after what had happened to his parents, so she viewed him more as her brother then her cousin. [color=8dc73f]"I really am sorry, Jenn,"[/color] Banner said softly. [color=8dc73f]"You too, buddy. If it weren't for me... well, you wouldn't be cursed... From what Tony and I can tell, I will never die. Or... maybe Banner will die but the Hulk will stay... I don't want that to happen to you guys... Lance, you're my son, my pride and joy... And Jennifer... You're the only other family member I give a damn about. Only other sane one at least."[/color] [color=yellow]"If it weren't for you we'd probably both be dead,"[/color] Lance pointed out with a shrug. He'd come to accept that this was going to be his life more or less, and as he had pointed out years ago to his dad, he had given up having any sort of normal life. [color=2CFD01]"I'm with the kid on this one Bruce, don't blame yourself, ever, alright? I know for a fact I'd be dead if you didn't do anything to help me. And honestly, as I said before, I'm okay with that."[/color] [color=yellow]"I'm alright with the whole not being dead thing too... Though at the time I may not have exactly been too thrilled about getting that blood transfusion,"[/color] he added, referring to when he had gotten the transfusion, nearly causing a fight of sorts to break out in the medical area at the mansion. Banner nodded, though he was smiling at Jennifer and Lance. [color=8dc73f]"I guess we're the Hulk family then..."[/color] [color=yellow]"Oh totally, not like that's a horrible thing though."[/color] [color=2CFD01]"Yup, lighten up Brucey, we've got this."[/color] [center][hr][hr][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200405/eb1095dcd12f208e7d33c225ff0d82ea.png[/img][hr][hr][/center] The day had finally arrived for Guin and Pietro's wedding! It was later in the afternoon, early evening on April 30, 2021, and it was a beautiful clear night. There was a [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/385594716634349588/682467744117030913/203397014d12f7b87774bb86069bf410.png?width=406&height=609]small pathway lined with lights[/url] leading up to the [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/385594716634349588/682467860408434691/b2678e9e82311a64ec1eb95d6ba95ef6.png?width=431&height=610]alter[/url] at the end of it. The ceremony was a fairly small one, with only a few different people invited. Of course, the entire X-Men team was invited, with Mary serving as the Maid of Honor, and Annie, Carolina and Allison serving as the [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/385594716634349588/682695293271408713/Prom-Dress-La-Femme-19652-PurpleBlue_F.png?width=378&height=567]bridesmaids[/url]. Pietro's side of the wedding party was a whole lot smaller, since he didn't really have anyone to invite or any really close friends, so the only person on his side (serving as the Best Woman) was his twin sister Wanda. They actually got two of Hawkeye's kids to participate in the wedding as well, with [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/marvelcinematicuniverse/images/8/82/Cooper_Barton.png/revision/latest?cb=20190728065113]Cooper[/url] and [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/marvelcinematicuniverse/images/c/cb/Lila_Barton_HS.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20200428074101]Lila[/url] Barton serving as the Ring Bearer and Flower Girl respectively. Of course, the wedding wouldn't be complete without an officiant, and they actually had the literal God of Thunder Thor to be the official who actually would officiate the wedding. It was a bit strange, but then again this was a strange lot (just keep Thor away from the beer until the reception). Other attendees included Wanda's boyfriend (and the one labeled as a toaster by her brother) Vision, as well as all 6 of the main Avengers, obviously considering the fact that they are practically her family, and her father was one of them, so that was kind of an important thing (and the God of Thunder was the officiant). The other two members of Hawkeye's family, wife Laura and youngest son Nathaniel, were also there. Other members of the group were a few of Guin's classmates from high school (which included one Peter Parker), Pepper Potts (Guin's pseudo mother), Colonel James Rhodes, and Happy Hogan. Once again making it clear that Guin had a lot more people to invite then Pietro did, but in all honesty he didn't really mind it. One person who was clearly not invited was Guin's mother, Maddie Le Fay, and Tony made sure to have decent security setup around the place to keep her out, as well as any sort of journalists or reporters. The ceremony was a simple affair, though a few times no one would be able to understand what was being spoken, as a few things were switched into Serbian on occasion due to that being Pietro's native language. However, things moved along, until eventually, they reached the end, where the pair were to exchange vows in front of everyone. [color=cc33ff]"Pietro, I met you for the first time properly when I swept your legs and you landed on top of me in Washington D.C. Honestly, I think I was just as surprised as you that I was able to take you down. Our life has been an insane roller coaster of never ceasing action since then. We saved New York countless times, met your future self, defeated a hypnotist, and saved reality and the universe.... all in the span of just about three years, give or take. You're quirky and funny, an adorkable kleptomaniac with an appreciation for the 80's that would take Billy Joel's breath away. You're as quick on your feet as you are in conversation and even though you hate my AIs, and my father didn't approve of you at first, you stole my heart. You're incredibly frustrating and sometimes annoying, but I can't help but love you, for better or for worse. I vow to walk by your side as we continue to save the world from most likely weirder and weirder threats, like the sequel stories in a popular Young Adult franchise. I vow to argue with you constantly. I vow to be there when you're sick and feed you chicken soup, and to watch countless Star Trek reruns in between Star Wars movies. I vow to always love you to the moon and back - to love you more than there are stars in the skies or possibilities in the universe."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"Guina, you were one of the few people who seemed to see me for me, and not as anything else. I know the way we really met was a bit of a strange thing, but I will never forget that when you knocked me to the ground just because I kept a roll of tape out of your reach. Meeting you changed my life for the better, and helped me get off the path that I seemed to be following, and I will always be grateful for that. We've been through more then a few crazy scenarios together, and I doubt it will get much easier, but I know that together we can get through anything. You have made me a better person just by being yourself, a girl who shares my love for the 80s and is a tech monkey who is super stubborn and who can build just about anything it seems, and are one of the few people who can keep up with my brain that tends to runaway like a train sometimes. You are a geek like me, and will stay up to watch marathons of Sci-Fi shows even if for some reason you've never even heard of them. Sometimes we argue, actually scratch that, we tend to argue quite a bit, but I'll always love you no matter what, even if we sometimes don't see eye to eye. I vow to be there for you, no matter what it takes, if we're apart, call me and I'll be there in an instant. I vow to try and not be so over protective of you, since I do know you are more then capable of taking care of yourself. I vow to be there beside you as we face the world to try and save it numerous more times. Volim te Guina, no matter what, always remember that no matter what happens, I love you more then you could possibly know."[/color] After the vows were spoken, it was Thor's turn to say something to wrap things up for the wedding, [color=fff79a]"And now, by the power invested in me by, well, me - I bless thy marriage with the hammer! As Midgardians do not exchange ancestral swords, I suppose it is time for you, young son of M, to kiss the bride! Excelsior!"[/color] he said to the two. Pietro instantly pulled Guin into his arms and kissed her, before he took her hand and led Guin back down the aisle and towards the area where the reception was setup for them and the guests. The area where the reception was setup, not too far from where the actual ceremony was held in a clearing surrounded by trees, with [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/385594716634349588/682468111667953675/outdoor-lighting.png?width=404&height=609]lanterns[/url] hanging from the branches, multi-colored ones that had no sort of pattern to them. The clearing was [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/385594716634349588/682467634729451557/9b6d8e1783f1845e088b488a36bb451f.png?width=406&height=609]decorated[/url] with tables scattered about for everyone, food was setup on a long table, and in the center of the setup was a black and white tiled dance floor, and music was playing for the party already. A [url=https://66.media.tumblr.com/07a72fb8a3ef6c6bc564b54ccb7429e6/6a381db216231822-32/s500x750/e2eaa6d0b461c61ceac81ae798ae3f2ec3a6603c.gifv]young woman[/url] was standing there in charge of the music, however she was a fairly popular musician, and a mutant herself with light and soundwaves swirling around her, Dazzler. Enjoy the party! Mingle with the other guests! Enjoy your downtime! You all have certainly earned it!