[hider=Brian Ward] Name: Brian Ward Appearance: Standing 5’ 10”, Brian is often seen wearing a black hoodie and green cargo pants, even in the heat of summer. He has messy dark brown hair and a decent amount of reddish-brown stubble that he hopes to develop into a beard. He can often be seen ‘zoning out’ in deep thought, just barely aware of his surroundings, and rarely smiles. Often maintaining a neutral facial expression devoid of emotion Personality: Brian is often pretty sociable but slow to trusting others. As a result, he has many acquaintances but very few he considers a friend. Brian is naturally curious but has a hard time focusing on one thing when his interest quickly and inevitably disappears, giving him an educated idea of various topics though not necessarily the understanding of them. Lastly, Brian often acts with caution, rarely making a choice uninformed and without deliberation. He tends to be slow to come to a decision, but very stubborn in changing his mind when he does. Likes: small groups, learning about new things, the outdoors. Dislikes: Irresponsibility, Overly upbeat personalities, large groups (about 7 or more people), physical contact. Hobbies: Reading, Philosophy, videogames, and thinking about nearly anything for long periods of time. Background: Brian was always a relatively smart individual. While he did not ace every class, he always got high marks. He was decent at retaining information taught and curious enough to learn the parts he did not know, which leads him to having some understanding over many topics. Though he often used little of his curiosity on ‘useless’ knowledge like History or English. He speaks English, he knows how to read, and can usually understand words by gleaming the context of the sentence it is in, what reason is there to know Shakespeare or some other long dead writer. He managed to coast school well enough with minimal studying, a little guessing, and a healthy dose of luck. The things that really did eat up more of his time was things that were really important, at least to him. History from this century, Philosophy, ancestral culture, and the occasional thoughts on if and how time travel would be possible. Naturally all this inward focus led to him outwardly being an outcast to many, but like many kids he felt a need to belong somewhere. So, he learned to fit in, or at least how to appear like he does. He became proficient in learning the mannerisms of various social groups such as the nerds or the artists, and was able to mimic them decently to fit in. Over the recent half of his life, he bounced from one group to another as his interests changed only having a few he was not able to bullshit his way into (the jocks for example). By his senior year, there were few people he has not spent some time with, though few he ever formed a friendship with. With Adult life nearing, there was reason to reflect on his life so far. Owning no mastery in any skill, nor being able to maintain status in any particular group, he realized that he did not belong anywhere. He always felt an outcast and never seemed to find a place where he belonged. With Graduation looming over and his future to consider, is there anyplace for someone who fits nowhere? [/hider] Took a bit longer than I thought to commit to an idea, harder when I don't have all the information about my character in my head (with powers, being probably a very important part of the character, not being up to me) but I got something I am satisfied with after scrapping two other ideas. Might make some edits later for grammar, clarity, and such.