[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/qMHpYAa.png[/img][/center] The city state's revelries made for an interesting opening. It reminded her of another story. Probably an MMO that she played a long time ago, not that it mattered. But it wasn't quite the time to celebrate. They had [i]gameplay[/i] to go through. The discord community she entered with would soon come, and with sharing of a password (or really just asking who was who), they'd party up and start up something to do. And she was immediately beset by hilarity. As they all logged on at about the same time, the entire place went to shit instantly. Two of them were already exhausted, while two more were on the ground crippled. Instantly, Mags started to chuckle. Just as fast as it came, that chuckle turned into a chortle, then her practically falling to the ground laughing. Those two goofs managed to put zero in all of their human being stats. Even more hilarious was one of them trying to help. Like clockwork, they went for chest compressions, dealing damage to the man as his glass bones crumbled with every pulse of the life saving maneuver. With her wiping off a virtual tear from her face, she calmed down a bit. With the secret code being spoken, Mags went to go see the rest of the discord group. [color=fff7b0]"Sup nerds,"[/color] the first words came out of her mouth. She looked over the memes of characters. Most of them seemed to have their heads in order and put in average stats, which was good. With Calace and the Slav asking for serious help, Mags offered a devilish solution. [color=fff7b0]"Worst comes to worse, we can use the gimps as big clubs, yea?"[/color] [color=fff7b0]"It's Mags."[/color] Her introduction was quick and dirty. After all, she was the source of all of the shitpost images. Most of them. The "good" ones, at least. She didn't think too hard about the wish fulfillment characters of the others. After all, she was (at least somewhat) apart of that camp too. After all, who wouldn't want to be an ikemen or bishoujo in the virtual world. She did, however, judge the neko. Quite heavily, in fact. [color=fff7b0]"We should probably see if it's possible to get a class and some gear first thing."[/color] She didn't actually know the process of getting a basic class. She preferred to go into things blind. Prog on raids, new MMOs, everything. The less information, the better for her. [color=fff7b0]"I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to go in without any gear and die.[/color] She actually wanted to go in fists blazing, but she didn't know if any of the others could hold their own. [color=fff7b0]So that means it's time to, bat-data-daa, ask around for information. Unless one of you read a guide."[/color]