[center][img]https://puu.sh/zOBE4/03901218f5.png[/img][/center] Aurel([@Savo]) Chikako & Monokuma ([@Ammokkx]) [hr] Snow stood across the room from Chikako. There wasn’t that much distance between them, but it felt like Snow was on a different planet. As if standing on the moon looking down at earth, she looked at the dancer unable to grasp her own feelings. [color=999cc8]“When you look at her, knowing what she’s done, what do you see? You should hate and despise her, she’s a monster who murdered in cold blood.”[/color] As she spoke, her eyes never looked at anything but Chikako, who was pushing Lilly away at this point. [color=999cc8]“I look at her, and I see a mistake; a pitiful girl with no control over her pathetic human impulses… They always end up like that.”[/color] She then turned to Aurel, though her eyes were noticeably devoid of light. Stroking a strand of hair behind her ear, she looked at him. [color=999cc8]“Yes I’m okay, and I don’t need your sympathy, it’s only a matter of time before [i]you[/i] end up like Naomi… or Chikako.”[/color] Ryuma, who was across the room from Snow heard those words, and they didn’t sit right with him. He clenched his fists and firmly walked towards Snow with the full intent of rejecting her stance, until he was blocked midway by the arm of Flare. [color=lightgray]“Flare, the fuck are you doing!? Didn’t you hear Snow? she-”[/color] [color=fbd178]“Stop. You’re gonna make things worse.”[/color] Flare interrupted Ryuma before she lowered her arm. [color=lightgray]“Come on, she is obviously not okay, if we leave her like that, she’s gonna shut herself in.”[/color] [color=fbd178]“You can’t help her right now, she’s [i]already[/i] shut herself in. Let her process what happened before you force your ideals on her.”[/color] [color=lightgray]“...Fuck-sake, I hate this.”[/color] [color=fbd178]“Think about yourself first. You can't tell me you don't care about Chikako."[/color] Ryuma's shoulders drooped as he was forced to think about what was about to happen.[color=lightgray]“Naomi didn't deserve this. I can't forgive Chikako, but christ, that doesn't mean she needs to die for it.”[/color] His face tensed up as he looked at Chikako. [color=fbd178]“Whoever controls that bear is the one I can't forgive. Chikako would never have needed to turn to murder if it wasn't for them... In fact-"[/color] Flare walked up towards Chikako and the bear, her brows intensely furrowed. [color=fbd178]"Bear! You think you have us eating out of your hand like little piggies hoarded into pens, but you're wrong. You killed Naomi, and for that, you will pay."[/color] ending her sentence, Flare released a big sigh before turning to Chikako. [color=fbd178]"Himura Chikako, I forgive you."[/color]