[center][h1] [color=lightgreen]The Druid[/color][/h1] [color=lightgreen]Name: Isabella Jortendotir Race: Hobbit Age: 135 Appearance: [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/db/ec/98/dbec9863764912d75500b5272fc8d66e.jpg[/img]. Bio: Born to fairly regular hobbits Isabella discovered her affinity for nature fairly quickly. She would make flowers bloom around using new fertilizer or the crops would grow faster because of an irrigation technique either way her parents loved it. They figured they could have Isabella make farming eaiser and provide food for the whole village. Which Isabella did until she was about ten in which she then was wandering far into the forest when she came across some druids. Asking about their order Isabella decided she wanted to be one , as the idea of nature magic interested her. Training for over a hundred years as a druid Isabella finally set out from the training grounds of Narian Forest and went on a quest to learn the secrets of nature. Studying nature and nature magic for twenty more years Isabella eventually heard of a new guild opening named Angeli Pallidus a guild dedicated to hunting monsters. Isabella decided she would join this guild as monsters were a part of nature and maybe she could unlock their secrets as well. Stats: Health: 9(2+2+5) Stamina: 5(2+3) PStr: 3(2+1) PDef: 4(2+2) MStr: 8(2+6) MDef: 6(2+4) Gear: journal/spellbook Martial arts: T neck snap- running then jumping on a opponent Isabella used her thighs to snap their neck. Magic: [hider=magic] Oakenwall: Isabella has a wall of wood sprout up in front of her to block attacks Spore blast: Using nature magic Isabella shoots a blast of toxic spores at her enemy Summoning a familiar: Using a ritualistic circle and some time and energy Isabella can summon a familiar that will accompany her, if she has enough skill and energy she could been see through her familiars eyes alas Isabella is not that skilled yet. Animal communication: Isabella can cast a spell that allows her to hear the thoughts of animals and communicate with them, usually she has this spell enchanted on a piece of jewelry she wears. Healing pollen: Isabella causes flowers to sprout and release a pollen that heals allies Vines: Isabella summons vines to use at her discretion Thorn barrage: Isabella causes a barrage of needle like thorns to fly into enemies Sentient tree: Isabella causes a tree warrior to grow from the ground and fight along side her [/hider] Likes: Nature, being mischievous at times, animals, tall people Dislikes: Thunder, mud, tall people, not being able to reach the shelf Extras: Isabella stands at three feet five inches tall [/color][/center]