[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/2JxFtLg.png[/img][/center][hr] Most of Cassie time at the Titan's tower was spent in the training room. Despite have nearly the most training in the group aside from Robin himself, it had quickly become obvious she wasn't trusted to do any tactical work. Or much of any work at all; the number of missions she'd actually gotten to go on were few and far between. Robin claimed that crime had slowed down in Jump City for one reason or another, but still spent most of his time cooped up in his room doing [i]something[/i] no one else was privy too. But that was fine. She was still a Titan. Being a heavy-hitter was just fine as a role, and she was going to be the best heavy hitter they could ever want. Everything was going [i]fine[/i]. Her phone ringing drew Cassie out of her trance so much so that the re-enforced punching bag hit her mid-swing, knocking her backwards. Hearing the ring-tone assigned to her mother she scrambled to her feat and towards her phone and water bottle. [colour=ED953E]"Hey mom whats up?"[/colour] - It was hard to imagine so much dust could accumulate so quickly - or so much [i]stuff[/i]. Cassie could have sword she hand't moved in with more than a duffel bag and a small roller case, yet somehow she was digging through hordes of books and boxes under her bed. [colour=ED953E]"Of course I'm almost done mom, I've just been working on some other things-"[/colour] "I know I know, I'm just so excited for you! A real dig at your age - I would have killed for that chance, not to mention how it will look on college applications..." Spotting her old school backpack tucked against the wall behind her winter coat, Cassie kept focus on the task at hand rather than point out that she had already seen a number of digs at a much younger age with her mother. With a sharp tug, the bag - along with most of the other junk she'd kicked under the bed to avoid cleaning up- came free. "What was that, are you okay?" Cassie re-tucked the phone between her shoulder and ear as she unzipped the bag. [colour=ED953E]"Yeah fine, just knocked over some textbooks - but here; got it!"[/colour] She walked over to her conspicuously empty desk and smoothed out the crumpled paper. A standard application form, date of birth, guardian signatures, school name, ect, ect. It was the bottom of the second page that was glaring back at her, with such intensity to tune out her mother's barrage of questions. [i]Attach an essay between 16000-20000 words on what you believe to be a fundamental cornerstone of Athenian culture.[/i] "... Of course you have to let me know if you need any help- I know I know its against the rules but I can at least proof read what you have. That and Dr. Fordmein is an old colleague, I know what he goes for." [colour=ED953E]"Thanks mom, listen, there's something- I... I gotta go."[/colour] "Oh. Okay sweetheart, stay safe. Remember to call me!" Cassie winced as the dial tone cut off her mother's last syllable. She hadn't been avoiding her own mother. Honestly she hadn't. Cassie began chewing her lip as her finger rapped against the desk. A few years ago the essay would have all but consumed her life, but now... How do you keep the same excitement about dusting off antiquities when you have a first hand source on speed-dial? Cassie looked up past her view of the Jump City bay, directly across from of Lexcorp labs. Lacking any other recourse to act on the irony of it, she gave the building a withering glare before flopping down on her bed, kicking off her running shoes and peeling off her hand wraps. Writing or training would wait for another day; she was Wonder Girl after all. If she could go toe to toe with an Amazon, how could she not finish a measly essay in a week and a half? It could wait another day. Everything would turn out fine.