[color=f49ac2]“Maybe one day you might be lucky enough to catch me in red.”[/color] Iris chuckled softly as she couldn’t help but smile enjoying her time with Cas as they walked together. She was right with his father being mad, of course he had been because that was his son’s reputation going across the whole of the Capital. [color=f49ac2]“I know, you’re harmless. I’m just messing. It’s understandable though. Considering what happened. I guess we all act out a little when things like that happen. I’m sure I was the same.”[/color] Smirking as she had admitted that she did have a story she looked over at Cas unable to stop her laughter as he pulled her playfully to his side. [color=f49ac2]“No no nooooo, you can’t tease me. That’s not fair!!”[/color] Whining as she looked at him still with the smirk on her face as she couldn’t help but have a good time. [color=f49ac2]“Alright… okay. Brace yourself because I am never telling this story again.”[/color] Shaking her head, she knew her cheeks were bright red, already embarrassed as she recalled her own memory. Cringing because she knew it would make him laugh, it was funny now, but she was still highly embarrassed from it all. [color=f49ac2]“Okay so well… I had just turned sixteen.”[/color] Biting her lip slightly as she shook her own head sighing, [color=f49ac2]“I had a stupid schoolgirl crush on some jock Steven who liked Maisie at the time, and we had arranged this party at her dads house. I had found out he was really into girls who wore white. I don’t know why still don’t to this day because I could never face him after what happened and well… I did the stupid predictable girl thing and wore white because I hoped it would catch his attention.”[/color] Grimacing as she spoke, she shook her head in despair already feeling embarrassed and she hadn’t even gotten to the part that she cringed at the most. [color=f49ac2]“So, we get to the party. I’m wearing a white dress Maisie is not dressed up because she doesn’t care and just wants to have fun. We dance, laugh and I feel like yeah this is going to be a good night. My dance moves alone were probably embarrassing.”[/color] Smiling to herself she averted her gaze from Cas, her cheeks red from embarrassment hesitating before she started to speak again. [color=f49ac2]“So, the guy I had a crush on finally turns up to the party and I think oh I know, I’ll drink some wine make myself look sophisticated and maybe he will like me. So, I try to catch his eye, make it seem like I’m all mysterious and such and I move to the kitchen holding that cup of wine and low and behold he follows me. Whether or not he was going to ask me about me, or Maisie I don’t know because I managed to stun him into silence.”[/color] Rubbing the back of her head sheepishly she looked over at Cas, [color=f49ac2]“I took a swig of wine hoping it would boost my confidence, but as he walked in I rather eagerly tried to say hi forgetting I still had a mouthful of wine that I hadn’t swallowed. So instead I end up spitting it out, choking on the wine which by then I couldn’t stop laughing because if I didn't I would have cried but by that point it even started to come out of my nose from the laughter and I will never forget how that burned… so all in all I managed to look like some crazed girl with wine everywhere and the stain never came out of that dress… and gosh… wine Cas. Wine came out of my nose! Can you imagine how much of an idiot I must have looked… gosh…”[/color]