[color=f49ac2]“Oh, hush you, I’m only messing. I don’t think your harmless at all.”[/color] Iris smiled softly knowing that sometimes men didn’t like to feel as if they weren’t strong, she didn’t think that about him at all. Cas was one of the strongest people she had met, he had to deal with the weight of a country on his shoulders and meeting expectations all the time. Single handed he had fought against her father even with the odds stacked against him. There was nothing weak or meek about him, she had just meant he did not have a bad bone in his body because he had such a kind soul. [color=f49ac2]“See!! I told you!! Who would ever be into someone who practically has wine coming out of every inch of their face?”[/color] Huffing as she shook her head a pout now forming on her lips because to her that was something she could never forget, and she was certain she would do something just as embarrassing around Cas. He would see her in a different light, especially if she ever had wine coming out of her nose, she was certain he would be revolted at the sight. [color=f49ac2]“Nah, he was never into me. He really liked Maisie and they even dated for a while. I could never face him after that.”[/color] Chuckling as she shook her head still amazed by that story to this day. [color=f49ac2]“Very true, they do say things happen for a reason so maybe I spurted wine from my nose just so we could be here at this moment together.”[/color] Iris couldn’t help but laugh at that statement, sighing happily when he kissed her cheek, she beamed up at him happy that they were here together at least. Although everything was crazy going on around them it was nice that she had him by her side. It made her forget about Ethan, her father and the truth of what she had caused by her actions and it was nice to push those thoughts aside because she knew it would haunt her for the rest of her time. [color=f49ac2]“Woah… something awkward for you?”[/color] Scoffing at his words as she prodded his side pouting, [color=f49ac2]“I got myself caught in a bear trap and lost all my memories to get your attention so you can’t say I didn’t do anything crazy for you.”[/color] Teasing him back as she looked ahead of her feeling relieved as they were approaching the gate to Eulmore, sharing embarrassing stories had made what seemed a long journey more bearable. [color=f49ac2]“I have yet to see you do anything embarrassing for me, so I think you owe me instead.”[/color] Stopping before they reached the gate she turned to Cas, eyes bright and a soft smile on her face leaning up she pressed her lips against his kissing him before they had to find shelter in the next district for the night. The sun by now had begun to set, the night cool as the dim lights started to turn on from various buildings and street lamps.