She didn't quite know what she was expecting, but it probably wasn't this. Biance was practically swarmed by the majority of the group. Well, it'd be more apt to say that she was being addressed by a few more people at once than she had wanted. No matter, she would deal. She rolled her eyes and extended her hand in a dismissive manner, choosing now to address each individual one at a time. The boy in glasses was the first to be addressed, "[color=9e005d]Listen sweetie,[/color]" she began, her voice dripping with a false saccharin tone, "[color=9e005d]First off; what I do with my head is my business. I doubt you have enough money to change my mind. More importantly- I have... no idea what you're talking about space cadet. But thanks for the weather report, captain obvious,[/color]" she continued, her tone gathering more sarcasm as she went. Biance then turned to the blonde girl who seemed to be speaking English. She gave a bemused smile with half-lidded eyes, and reached out with her hand, curling her index finger and bringing it just below the other girl's chin. "[color=9e005d]You don't get out much, do you?[/color]" Biance more stated than asked, "[color=9e005d]Do yourself a favor and hang back- let me handle things, okay?[/color]" Her final remark would have sounded kind, were it not smeared with a coating of derision. She passed her eyes over the scene once more, and promptly did a double-take in shock. This was probably the weirdest thing yet. One of the other girls, just... standing there in stark silence, looked eerily similar to Biance herself. Their eyes were almost the exact same color, as was her hair, which was styled in a way that she could easily pull off. But what was most chilling was the difference in posture. It was like looking in a warped, frosted mirror. Despite being almost the same age, she looked drained to an extent that made her look almost dead of old age, completely devoid of vitality. It almost froze Biance's heart solid in fear. She was snapped out of her stupor when she noticed the girl with the fashionable red jacket walking away. Her instincts kicked in as she lashed out verbally. "[color=9e005d]Fine, get yourself lost- [i]more[/i] lost. Less work for me to do,[/color]" she called out, waving in half-hearted salutation, before taking a quarter turn away from the crowd, and letting out an exasperated sigh with her hand in her face.