My eyes widened at the bold but ultimately foolish move. Who wields a hammer in such a way? I used my momentum to slid on the ground, nearly missing having my skull bashed to bone by the hammer. Instead it thudded against my shoulder. Despite the odd use, the power behind the strike was no joke. My shoulder felt as though ripped from the socket, but better that than my skull crushed like a grape. I hissed as the force nearly sent me sprawling and I ran past him. A plume of smoke erupted in my wake blanketing the hammer wielding warrior as I carried onward, toward his now defenseless companion, who now stood alone. Best p[art was their back was exposed. My mouth watered and my hand tightened around my dagger. An ominous shadow flowing from the blade like smoke from dying embers. My eyes focused on his right side, a vulnerable spot. Kidney perhaps, my mind whispered. I grinned and lunged, intent to sink all nine inches of shadowed steel into my unwary prey. [@goodmode][@Undying Curiosity]