The sea monster lunged out at you as you attacked, it's poisonous quills shooting out in your direction. But the radiant energy from your gauntlet surged through the rapier, and in a flash of light, your blade struck true. First you saw the blade go right through the monster's face, penetrating where it's nose would be and coming out the back of it's skull. But that wasn't all: the light that went from your gauntlet moved through the blade, and then moved into the skull of the sea creature. You could see light pour out from the monster's eyes, gills, mouth, and the wound as it's head exploded, leaving behind a headless corpse. And just like that the battle was over. "Caeda! Let me in!" You could hear Sticky shouting from behind the door as he tries to force it open. But there was still another matter to address, and it wasn't just the corpse. The longer you stayed here the more your mind began to wander. Your vision started to get dizzy. Everything began to blur into a single image, and all you could really make out was the bright light from the strange pulsating sack in the room. You could barely even hear Sticky trying to open the door. You had a feint few seconds of consciousness before something strange would occur. What would you do?