[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zAxsMGx.png[/img][/center] [hr] [quote=Phillis]"... I honestly had no clue the supernatural even existed before today. And I'm still not sure if it exists... my husband just insisted I come here today."[/quote] Maya raised an eyebrow. Huh, that was interesting. Maybe he had another reason for having her there… but she didn’t dwell on it. She’d talk to Kayla about it later, she already had her words memorised. She also completely ignored Phillis’ clear confusion at Maya even talking to her “Witches is a bit of a loose term for us,” Maya laughed, genuinely, at the imagery described. Her gaze flickered to Emily momentarily - now it would be fun to see her with green skin. “We may call ourselves a coven but we’re more like… a tight knit group of girls with powers. Though, robes would be pretty cool if impractical in the Florida heat.” She shrugged. “We may look pretty normal, but we’re really not.” [quote=Phillis]"... Is magic really real?" [/quote] Ah, the million dollar question. While Blake clearly believed in (and had probably seen) magic, Phillis must have not. Maya smiled. “It is.” She automatically raised a hand to rub the back of her neck, right where her sigil was - even if it couldn’t be seen by the blind. “And I think you’re just about to get it proven to you, if you watch the demonstration.” She tilted her head, not taking her eyes off of Phillis. “I’d show my own but it's… a bit destructive.” She only took a moment to decide if she should continue. “I can release blasts of sound that can damage objects and the like. It does have the unfortunate side effect of ruining my hearing for a bit.” Her smile widened. “But, if the demonstration they give isn’t satisfactory, I’ll gladly show you.”