[hr][hr][center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/I6mf9Ct4crxUqfPuGcRdA3g-s-RA--eXx7HnRAi9MIA/https/i.imgur.com/ZF1PQyX.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=darkgray]Location:[/color][/b] Galley -> Room 3 [b][color=darkgray]Skills:[/color][/b] [hr][/center] Cal's nose wrinkled up in distaste when Manny one-upped her by voicing his own percentage of certainty towards a medical background, which was much higher than hers. Half of her wanted to chirp up with an 'actually' and raise her percentage, but she suspected that she wouldn't be believed. Her wrinkled nose was quickly joined by a slight frown when 95% had the audacity to [i]give her permission[/i] to come along, as if he was some sort of commander, in charge of the lot of them. She was surprised (and annoyed) that Vinnie, their resident feminist who'd been offended by her breathing exercises, didn't pipe up to call bullshit on that. Not wanting to villainize herself, Cal opted not to argue as she walked along with Manny. Once inside the Galley, Cal saw Luke and Gordon, the latter of which with a steak and a first-aid kit in his possession. She didn't say anything as Manny suggested they each have their own knife. She agreed with him, but with his haughty, superior attitude, she didn't want to do so out loud. So instead, when he marched over to help Luke with his cutting, Cal sauntered to the dispenser's touch screen. The steak was already up on the screen, ready to be ordered, so she tapped on it. It didn't take long for it to come out, though as she waited, a number of the other amnesiacs entered, namely the ginger, the energetic feminist, and the...indescribable child. She glanced around at the group, watching as 95% went from Luke to Zarina, beginning to patch up her wounds. She was glad he was doing it, because the process didn't look familiar to her. It gave her a sudden pang of worry. If she was a medical professional, even a pharmacist, she'd know how to clean a wound, right? Did that mean she was one of [i]them[/i]? She scanned the room, seeing a number of people had already dug into their flesh proving they were human. She didn't want to. What if she wasn't? Thinking quick, she tapped on the screen again, ordering another steak. [color=darkgray]"See, that's why you don't cut yourself with robot jaws, mate. I tried to warn ya,"[/color] she said after hearing Zarina mention the immense pain she was in, she herself waiting for the second plate of steak to arrive. Once it did, she grabbed the pair of knives in one hand, and used the other to scoop a small handful of small adhesive bandages from the first-aid kit, shoving them into her pocket with her pill bottle. [color=darkgray]"I'm gonna check in with Kyle, see if he's a robot,"[/color] she casually commented, before heading out the Galley door. As soon as she was alone in the hallway, she ducked to the side, lifting up the leg of her space pants to her thigh. She slid the blade of one of the knives right above her left knee, making a small cut. She held her breath in anticipation, until she saw a bit of red trickle out of the wound, at which point she let out a relieved sigh. She grabbed one of the adhesive bandages and slapped it on over the wound, before lowering the pant leg once again. Rather than cleaning the blood off to hide the fact that she'd went behind the others' backs to test herself, she jabbed her thumb, allowing a more obvious wound to open. With that done, she walked the rest of the way to room three, stepping inside to see Kyle investigating. [color=darkgray]"Oi, I'm here for your check up. Go ahead and jab yourself with this. I've got little band-aids if you need 'em,"[/color] she said, holding out the knife.