[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/2PJzGGG/image.png[/img][/center][hr] Before Lew could investigate the Keystone, an approaching screech followed by his own name being called out quickly drew his attention away. Appearing in front of him appeared to be another player, one taking the shape of a catgirl. Lew was unaware if there happened to be more than one race to choose during character creation, or if this was the result of the game's interesting image upload feature. However, what Lew was sure about was this person had fine tastes. Catgirls are a classic staple, no matter how basic they may seem, and their company is always appreciated. What really caught Lew by surprise was when the catgirl had introduced herself with a name Lew happened to be familiar with. Seeing that it truly was one of his compatriots, the only reply Lew could muster was a stoic thumbs up with pride welling in his eyes. Soon, everyone else from the group slowly began to gather, some more crippled than others. As a few of them began to make their plight known to the rest, Lew had only just pondered on the mechanics behind this game's statistics. If having a low number in certain parameters would result in gaffs such as these to happen, and if "10" happened to be the equivalent of an average human, Lew could only begin to ponder the implications of having a [i]high[/i] statistic in any stat would be. "[color=gray]Wait a minute. Would this mean I'm the only one here who decided to boost their END to a high amount?[/color]" Lew asked himself aloud, deep in thought. "[color=gray]I didn't even think 30 would be that big of a difference... I suppose that would make me the 'tank', then. Unfortunate, but bearable[/color]" The mentioning of classes and items quickly brought Lew out of his trance, instinctively continuing his march towards the Keystone. Lew had placed his hand on it, and... [hider=Welcome, Immortal] [center][indent] [quote][i]You received 20 Silver.[/i][/quote] [quote][i]You received Item Pouch (Common).[/i][/quote] [quote][b]Class Unlocked![/b] [i]Warrior[/i] [sub]+10% HP | +10% STR | +10% END[/sub][/quote] [quote][b]Class Unlocked![/b] [i]Scout[/i] [sub]+5% MP | +10% SP | +10% AGI | +5% DEX [/sub][/quote] [quote][b]Class Unlocked![/b] [i]Ranger[/i] [sub]+5% STR | +10% END | +15% DEX[/sub][/quote] [quote][b]Class Unlocked![/b] [i]Mage[/i] [sub]+20% MP | +5% END | +5% LUC[/sub][/quote] [/indent][/center] [/hider] Curiously, Lew scrolled through the various options given to him. However, it seemed that based on the group's needs, it would be in Lew's best interest to choose the one class that would actually allow him to help his allies overcome their challenges. And so, [i]Warrior[/i] was selected. Being much hardier with an increase to both HP and END was one thing, but more importantly, Lew's STR was right on the marker. With a whopping [b]10[/b] STR, now he'll have the weight of a perfectly normal man behind his swings. Before he made his selection, he turned back to the group, crossing his arms. Of course, despite learning all this vital information from just touching a fancy rock, Lew had decided to withhold the fruits of his labor from his allies. Not out of any malice, but because he was also interested if anyone had read a guide. There was a minute fear that Lew's choice of statistics may haunt him in future endeavors, after all, and a guide would at least help him choose the correct class. And so, Lew waited for anyone to speak up, unknowingly leaving the window open for further hi-jinks to ensue...