Unlike Jess Roxy didn't try floating. She pushed of the way and started to swim. She was a decent swimmer. She made quick work of the distance from one side of the pool to the other. She was doing her best to burn off her frustration. Physical activity always help with that. She was hoping a few laps would help her. She made sure to not get too close to Jess. She didn't want the waves that she was creating to disrupt the empath's ability to float. She wanted the other woman to relax as much as possible After a few laps most of her frustration had been burned off and she was able to slow down. She didn't stop though. Her goal was to exhaust herself. She hoped that would be enough to allow her to get some sleep. The better she slept the better Jess would be able to sleep. It seemed like the least that she could do for the other woman.