Ridahne was not usually one for sleeping in late, but today, she did. The sun that filtered through the thick trees was already bright, and it felt like she'd been asleep for an eternity. It took her a moment to figure out what happened last night, but when she did, she looked for Darin. The bed was empty. A spike of panic leapt up in her, but then a bit of wisdom soothed it. [I]Darin never stays in one place, and if anything happened to her here, the trees would likely tear Lihaelen down to save her.[/I] Ridahne chuckled at that thought, but got up to go find her companion anyway. She took a handful of apples from the kitchen downstairs and, eating one of them, she made her way towards the stables. There was some chance Darin went to go see Talbot, but either way, their two horses would not begrudge a snack. Tsura and Talbot saw her and whinnied; Tsura tossed his head like he was begging for a ride. She spoke to them in Azurian. "Good morning. I brought you something." She offered them each an apple, which they took graciously. Mitaja was there too, and she rubbed her face on Ridahne's thigh. There was dried blood on her whiskers, so Ridahne knew that her cat had fed herself sometime in the night. She just hoped it was nobody's livestock. Mitaja didn't usually do that, she knew better, but once or twice she'd been known to slip away with someone's chicken. "Hope you've behaved yourself. Have you seen Darin?" Mitaja gave a deep throated [I]mao[/I] sound and rubbed her body on the gate of the stable. "Oh, you have, then? Hm." Ridahne peered over the gate to find Darin and chuckled. Ridahne lifted her last apple, aimed, and dropped it into Darin's lap with a chuckle.